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Washington State Lobby Day!!

1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA
I recently became aware that the Whatcom County contingent of OCDO is a clearing house for Washington State News and events...

I didnt know that,,, I thought they only publicized local get togethers.. Who knew,, I feed dumb. Ill get over it....

They have a facebook page,, bookmark it and visit for news,
it is,,,https://www.facebook.com/Washington-Open-Carry-Whatcom-County-366874943419858/

Their was a gathering in Olympia on Nov 16, 2016 that I didnt know about,, and probably many others,

they dont seem to post their plans here on OCDO,,,
I will try to keep up with their plans and post them on OCDO...

They have a plan for a meet in Olympia on Jan 13, 2017,,

It is Washington States equivalent to Virginias Lobby Day,

We will meet in the morning then go forth and meet with our congress critters and talk about our concerns and desires for the legislative session...
Come and make your voice heard!
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