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Warning Open Carry Is Dangerous!


Regular Member
May 18, 2007
Lacey, Washington, USA
imported post

kingfish wrote:
Talking about the wallet tap...I have a checklist before I leave the house.

Cell Phone

I go through it just about every time I leave the house. This morning for example, I was running late and did a wallet tap about 10 miles down the road and had to go back to the house...Forgot to run down the checklist.

The only real soreness carrying causes is when I have to CC the backside of the thumb break snap on one of my IWB holsters digs into my side if I don't wear an undershirt.
Y'know, I very nearly asked whether you've ever forgotten item number two, but I really don't want to know.
I have a similar mental checklist, but I have no smokes, no glasses, a watch, a thumb drive, and two knives And I need to be sure I'm carrying the appropriate pistol in an appropriate holster (I sometimes use a cheapo Uncle Mike's IWB as a pocket holster, and I also occasionally use a cheap tactical belt with a cheap OC holster--I don't generally leave the house like that).