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There is a new forum rule governing avatars


Regular Member
Jul 12, 2007
God's Country, Missouri
Great point! I mistook it completely. I thought General Urko was having a mother of all bad hair days while trying to emulate Edward G. Robinson* sucking on a cigar.

I believe I have discovered the reason Citizen lacks an avatar:

He has yet to find a photograph obscure enough.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
i believe i have discovered the reason citizen lacks an avatar:

He has yet to find a photograph obscure enough.


General Urko was the military ape commander in the old Planet of the Apes. And, Edward G. Robinson was the actor who played the quintessential gangster boss in 1930's-50's. Roles like Johnny Rocco in Key Largo opposite Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall; and Rico in Little Caesar. He was so tied to the gangster role that Warner Bros cartoons did at least two cartoons using his likeness and voice imitation, pairing him against Bugs Bunny in one. Jim Carey did an imitation of him (You're good kid...but...second best) in the movie Mask.

He made numerous great movies where he didn't play the bad guy, but the gangster roles are the one's that stuck in people's mind. If you want to see a couple good Robinson movies hunt up Stranger and Destroyer. In the former, he plays a Nuremburg investigator hot on the heels of a Nazi played by a young, slim Orson Welles. And, in the latter he plays a navy yard construction boss who rejoins the navy mid-WWII and gets in over his head because the navy changed so much after he left. He redeems himself near the end. Great acting. Awesome actor.
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Oh, I might as well admit it: even I bash the NRA at times, but I try not to do it here.

My father always said, "Never bring up a problem without a solution."

There's a huge difference between "bashing" and "constructive criticism." Bashing is nothing more than whining under a different wrapper. Constructive criticism, as corny as it sounds, has a purpose. It's to make things better, or at least provide viable alternatives, and for good reason, unless you're allergic to improvement.

As for avatars, I find it to be a sound rule.

Edward G. Robinson was the actor who played the quintessential gangster boss in 1930's-50's. Roles like Johnny Rocco in Key Largo opposite Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall; and Rico in Little Caesar. He was so tied to the gangster role that Warner Bros cartoons did at least two cartoons using his likeness and voice imitation, pairing him against Bugs Bunny in one. Jim Carey did an imitation of him (You're good kid...but...second best) in the movie Mask.

He made numerous great movies where he didn't play the bad guy, but the gangster roles are the one's that stuck in people's mind. If you want to see a couple good Robinson movies hunt up Stranger and Destroyer. In the former, he plays a Nuremburg investigator hot on the heels of a Nazi played by a young, slim Orson Welles. And, in the latter he plays a navy yard construction boss who rejoins the navy mid-WWII and gets in over his head because the navy changed so much after he left. He redeems himself near the end. Great acting. Awesome actor.

I've only seen a few of his movies, all gangster types.

I found the full version of Destroyer on Youtube, so I'm at the 25 minute mark and rising. Looks good so far, and thanks for the tip!
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Regular Member
Aug 26, 2008
Shreveport, LA
When this popped up in my email notifications I thought it was a NEW rule! LOL! Oh well. At least my avatar has pants now.

I found the picture on the old Spumco website YEARS ago and never knew anything about him. I called him HeroHog and adopted that as my screen name on some forums. I later made an avatar using the image on a Spumco "character doodle" page as a model. I had no idea that he was ever more than a doodle! Imagine my surprise at finding John Kricfalusi's blog site years later and discovering the TRUE origins of He(ro)Hog!

John's blog shows that : "He Hog is the world's most powerful pig" who has such cool super powers as; "X-Ray nipples", "Finger and Thumb breath" and he "has the world's most sensitive taste buds". John also says he is, and I am paraphrasing here, he is so smooth that "pants won't stick to him!" Please check out John's blog for pictures and details.

Like I said, I was using an avatar modeled off of He Hog and adopted the web handle of "HeroHog" for use on some forums. People kept after me to "put some pants on that pig" and I added a "modesty bar" to the avatar to appease the prudes. They still pestered me to "put on some pants" and I told them "If I have to put pants on, I'm stuffing a sock in there!" and, not knowing the real He Hog was "too smooth for pants", I came up with my final version of HeroHog.

Originally Herohog looked like this:

I added the "modesty bar":

This is the final result w/ pants & sock (not seen :p ):

Just to avoid any impropriety, I changed to Hero Hog MK IV:

As if that wasn't enough...

The wife and I at a West Virginia nightclub, Halloween 2006
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Like your current avatar best, Speedy - it's personalized.

You were taller in that picture back then.......had pants on too.

I remember your lovely bride well.

Keep on swinging for the fences.
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