Thats just what I was told, dont know if its really a requirement to speak. I plan on speaking to support the issues and will not give any more info than I need to.
I understand. The SKCFD amended their policy before we came to the meeting. They 'required' that those who wanted to speak sign up. On their sign up sheet they 'required' (requested) the full name of the citizen, and their address.
I signed up by listing only my first name and only my town. i.e. Nick, Federal Way
However, at that time, I had actually moved and was no longer in the jurisdiction of the SKCFD. Did that mean that I was inappropriate in commenting on their policy? I did not feel so, as their policy was clearly a violation of state law. (RCW 9.41.300) If their policy had only affected the local tax payer of the SKCFD base then perhaps it would of been inappropriate. However, since any state resident can visit their facilities, I was speaking for all residents and not just the limited tax base/payer.
There is no RCW that I can find that require a state resident that wishes to speak at a public and open meeting to give more information than I did. I stood my ground when the committee secretary came around and asked for my last name and my address. I politely refused. She looked to the committee for assistance and they waved her off and let me speak. They know that our public meetings act is very strong and powerful and it has been backed up by the courts on numerous occasions.
Therefore, I don't see that having someone from 'Spokane' proper is a requirement. Just list your first name 'Jeff' and your town 'Spokane'.