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I was having a rather frustrating interaction with the staff at South Hill Mall's Verizon store yesterday at about 1pm. Another customer was concluding his business and was starting to leave when the staff commented about his gun. One employee clarified for the other that Washington was an open carry state and that the customer was perfectly legal (great to hear).
The fact that the man was carrying eluded me even though I was quite aware of his presence. As a very flamboyant black male adult in his twenties and decked out with some serious bling (I think that is the right term) somehow I overlooked the equally loud display of a semi-auto pistol in a drop holster.
I quickly found myself reconsidering some of my preconceived notions of what OC should look like. After all, I have heard many of us say that the bad guys don't open carry. So much for us all being a bunch of old duffers, middle age objectors, young geeks or wannabe cops (only humor intended)... OC has gone gangsta!
So, if this was one of y'all that I ran into, please don't take offense. I just had to laugh at myself and this diverse culture in which we participate. Figures that my first coincidental encounter with a fellow OCer would be notable. I always assumed that I would just cross paths with M1Gunner at a Home Depot someday.
I was having a rather frustrating interaction with the staff at South Hill Mall's Verizon store yesterday at about 1pm. Another customer was concluding his business and was starting to leave when the staff commented about his gun. One employee clarified for the other that Washington was an open carry state and that the customer was perfectly legal (great to hear).
The fact that the man was carrying eluded me even though I was quite aware of his presence. As a very flamboyant black male adult in his twenties and decked out with some serious bling (I think that is the right term) somehow I overlooked the equally loud display of a semi-auto pistol in a drop holster.
I quickly found myself reconsidering some of my preconceived notions of what OC should look like. After all, I have heard many of us say that the bad guys don't open carry. So much for us all being a bunch of old duffers, middle age objectors, young geeks or wannabe cops (only humor intended)... OC has gone gangsta!
So, if this was one of y'all that I ran into, please don't take offense. I just had to laugh at myself and this diverse culture in which we participate. Figures that my first coincidental encounter with a fellow OCer would be notable. I always assumed that I would just cross paths with M1Gunner at a Home Depot someday.