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Sorry to say that I have some good/disappointing news...,


Regular Member
Jul 12, 2007
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depending on your perspective.

Mrs. sidestreet and I had breakfast at what has become one of our most favored restaurants lately, Rise & Shine Diner, where carriers Open and/or Concealed are very welcome, service is very polite, fast, and food is quick & delicious, not to mention very reasonably priced, and we learned that after this November 28th, they will no longer be open on Saturdays. :>(

To put it quite simply, they have become "victims" of their success! They are basically working themselves to death! The Family that owns the business also owns a fencing company, a very successful fencing company. I believe these folks have been so successful because they are hard workers, have strong beliefs in their Creator, their family, their country and they do not compromise their morals or ethics. They display their beliefs prominently, for all to see, and I believe they have been blessed for it. :>)

We have seen how hard they work, the owners do whatever needs to be done, they do not sit back and watch others do all the work, the owners take out the trash, clean whatever needs cleaning, help serve, whatever is called for, and they truly appreciate us being there, OC and/or CC, and he has stated this many, many times. He says it makes him safer to know that we are there. :>)

I got to talk with the owner this morning and told him how sorry we were when we saw the notice, and he said "Well, its good and bad, good for us because our staff needs some relief, especially the cook, he's here at 3 a.m. getting things started 6 days a week and he just needs some time other than the one day to rest." There was other very good reasons which I totally agreed with, like when he explained to one other gentleman that he was "just trying to get down to working about 60 hours a week, would that be okay?" Because he is putting around 76 to 80 hours a week as it is. I told him that as someone who once put in 80+ hours a week for about a year and a half that it will take you down, maybe all the way down, and that I was speaking from experience.

So, It's sort of good "bittersweet" news for them, and disappointing news for folks like me that are real fans of these hardworking, congenial, like minded, kind folks, and though Saturday morning breakfast there is out for all of us after this November 28th, but I will be patronizing this little gem at other times whenever I can, so I hope we can find a way to get together there some other times too. :>)

Just thought some of you might like to know, and possibly have another breakfast or two there before the end of November.


Jeremiah 29:11-13

Philippians 1:3


May 1, 2016
They could hire more people, get past the requirements for providing obamacare, and go bankrupt. That would even let them be open on Sundays-- for a while anyway.

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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Really, really sorry to hear that, but understand completely.

Rise and Shine had become our decided favorite Saturday morning OC breakfast location.


Regular Member
Jul 12, 2007
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I understand that as sarcasm in a good/funny way...,

but they will never be open on Sunday no matter how many employees they hire, they believe Sunday is the day of rest, not to mention worship. The owner said that they don't have enough room for all the folks that want to eat there, and he's hired any number of assistant chefs to help but it's just too much for them! He said they served 475 breakfasts cooked to order last Saturday, you do the math, that's an incredible number of meals per hour, and the food is usually on your table hot and delicious in minutes from ordering! They're not "Jimmy John's freaky fast" but they're doggone close to it! My wife and I ordered, the waitress then came right out with our coffee and by the time we finished stirring our coffee and started to talk, here came our waitress with our order. FAST,HOT, & DELICIOUS, & A PRICE I'D PAY TWICE!!!

I think we've only had one time when we had to look around for the the food to come. Highly unusual, but it was quite crowded.

No, these good folks need to step back a little, which is hard for them to do, they are completely hands on, want to uphold they're hard/well earned reputation, they enjoy serving, it's hard for them not to give it their all. They are inspirational!


Jeremiah 29:11-13

Philippians 1:3


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Went by there after voting this morning. The owner sitting out front said he liked my Silent Majority Supports Trump sign.

As I was leaving another customer thanked me for OCing and we chatted a bit.

Gonna miss Sat. OC breakfasts there. :(