Go....again....and again, and again, and again.
Override the veto, then, fix the things you don't like during the next session. Oh, why did you vote for those poorly drafted provisions the first go-around? Hmmm?
The two honorable Senators are not wel lliked at the moment by many in th e2A community. (I'm being nice there).
Here is the good news (such as it is), there is a fix for the Second Amendemnt Preservation Act and the bill will be reintroduced in Jan. with the plan for a fast track in the House and Senate.
Thats what I get from the sources available. They are politicians, of course we believe them.... There is a lot riding on this "fix" and they know it!
As much as I'd like to say more, I really can't. It is not a good idea to disclose what "will be" happening on a public forum, and YES this forum is very much watched by those who are NOT our friends.
Only 3 months to go and games begin once again in Jefferson City. I and the good people I'm beating my brains out working with on the OC side of life are fairly confident we are good to go next session.
Then again this year looked like it was a wrap for OC rights till we got killed in the beto session. I'll offer this up. HB436 where our OC bill was didn;t get the crunch because of the open carry part we had in it, it was killed dues to a 1st amendment issue and the newspapers and a money issue related to the Missouri sheriffs. Both of those have been "fixed" so I've been told.
We still have a super 2A majority for next year in house and senate with the pro-2A "R" and "D" people, I just hope no one else has a knife for our backs...
I'll leave it there.