Do you have a copy of the questionnaire? What questions did they ask?
Nope, I didn't make a copy of it, afraid it might catch fire to something around here. Actually my first thought was to get the darn thing out of the house as quick as I could, but I had a few minutes, so I decided to amuse myself some by filling it out, and before I knew it, it was sealed up and sent out, "No Postage Necessary", I really liked that part.
It asked the usual crap that tries to make you feel like you'd be an idiot not to give them what they really want, stuff like, Do you feel that the NRA has too much influence on American politics/society, and then the choice of answers, agree strongly, somewhat, neutral, disagree, blah, blah, blah, etc.
I think you have to sign up to look at anything on their web site, I think that's what happened when I went to see something that someone pointed out to me, now they send me all this e-mail crap, and I was "selected" to help with their "questionnaire".
Right now I'm making plans for hosting my first "Everytown" house party, like having some cheap red wine coolers with ice cubes made in the shape of .45 semi autos, a gift from vatazdad!!! Heck, after a few of those, crank up some Barry White heavy on the bass, me and the Skid (what would you like for Christmas little girl?) will have'em "feelin' the love", I figure they'll never go back to their sissy husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, whatever!!! Whoa…, wait a minute, got a little carried away, there, I think I just over figured sump'n. Think I'll have to go back and unfigure some of that.
Anyway, I'ma counting' on ya' Skidman!!! ;>)
Jeremiah 29 vs. 11-13
we are not equal, we will never be equal, but we must be relentless.