Campaign Veteran
Q: I have a concealed-weapons license and can carry a handgun on my person concealed. Can I carry the same firearm “open” and not have to worry about someone calling the police on me?
I’ve heard that Washington has a “open-carry” law that doesn’t require any license as long as the firearm is within full view on a person. Is this true?
If someone sees me carrying a firearm am I in possible trouble with the law?
And pertaining to concealment: If I conceal a firearm on my person but you can see the outline of the gun is this cause for concern or is it OK as long as it’s “concealed?”
A: Here’s information from the King County Sheriff’s Office:
Washington is an “open- carry” state. That means a person may openly carry a firearm (pistol, rifle or shotgun) in public without a concealed-pistol license.