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SD Firearms Freedom Act


Regular Member
May 1, 2010
Eastern South Dakota, ,
I was visiting the gun show in Souix Falls on Saturday and picked up a brochure for SDSilencers, http://www.sdsilencer.com/, I noticed their brochure had the simple steps for obtaining a silencer,

– select silencer

– fill out paperwork

– obtain law enforcement signature

– get fingerprinted

– paste photos on forms

– pay $200 transfer tax to BATFE

– wait for paperwork to clear

– fill out ATF form 4473

– take your silencer home

My question is if this is made in SD and sold to a SD resident then would it be expempt from the federal firearms laws per the freedom firearms act? I was unable to talk to anybody about this but it caught my attention.

I am sure they wouldn't risk their federal firearms license for the state law but it does seem to be a conflict,