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Rittenhouse prosecutor Assistant District Attorney KRAUSE mentions John Pierce.


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
Assistant District Attorney John Kraus told the judge that the prosecution had not intentionally withheld video evidence from the defense, but that there was an accidental compression involved in moving video between iPhone and Android devices.

The person who took the footage, according to Kraus, had earlier provided it to Rittenhouse’s former attorney, John Pierce, who had shown it last year on the Tucker Carlson Show on Fox News.

30 August 2020
Kyle Rittenhouse legally possessed a firearm last Tuesday in Wisconsin, said John Pierce, an attorney representing Kyle Rittenhouse, offering his remarks in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak.

Attention! Attention, Dog Boy excrement clean up at OCDO. Shoppers be careful and skeptical.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc

Attention! Attention, Dog Boy excrement clean up at OCDO. Shoppers be careful and skeptical.
dougie, your post has has been reported for violating forum rule 6...

further there are several john pierces practicing law...

thank you for continuing to be living proof of my daddy's adage...


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Rittenhouse's firearm to be destroyed...

"State prosecutors, the defense and the man who purchased the gun agreed to let the Kenosha Police Department and Kenosha Joint Services destroy the firearm, along with the magazine and the scope, so that the weapon "will not be in anyone's possession," Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger said during a hearing in Kenosha County circuit court Friday." [28 jan 2022]


American Patriot

Regular Member
Mar 5, 2009
, ,
Rittenhouse made the decision to have the rifle destroyed months ago.

"Kyle Rittenhouse is destroying the AR-15 he used during his deadly shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The 18-year-old cleared gunman told “The Charlie Kirk Show” on Tuesday that the weapon he used to defend himself at Black Lives Matter riots is “being destroyed right now.”

And from your article:

"The items requested included the Smith & Wesson M&P rifle, along with clothing, an iPhone and a baseball cap.

Rittenhouse, who was not in court for the hearing Friday, "further wishes to ensure that the firearm in question is properly destroyed," Richards wrote in an affidavit filed with the motion.

Richards and Rittenhouse's spokesperson, David Hancock, told The Associated Press that Rittenhouse wanted the gun destroyed and personal items thrown away so they could not be used as a political symbol or to celebrate the shootings. On Friday, Richards told reporters after the hearing that they also didn’t want anyone to profit off the sale of the rifle, WISN reported.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
sorry AP
Rittenhouse made the decision to have the rifle destroyed months ago.

"Kyle Rittenhouse is destroying the AR-15 he used during his deadly shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The 18-year-old cleared gunman told “The Charlie Kirk Show” on Tuesday that the weapon he used to defend himself at Black Lives Matter riots is “being destroyed right now.”

And from your article:

"The items requested included the Smith & Wesson M&P rifle, along with clothing, an iPhone and a baseball cap.

Rittenhouse, who was not in court for the hearing Friday, "further wishes to ensure that the firearm in question is properly destroyed," Richards wrote in an affidavit filed with the motion.

Richards and Rittenhouse's spokesperson, David Hancock, told The Associated Press that Rittenhouse wanted the gun destroyed and personal items thrown away so they could not be used as a political symbol or to celebrate the shootings. On Friday, Richards told reporters after the hearing that they also didn’t want anyone to profit off the sale of the rifle, WISN reported.
sorry, AP, et al., rittenhouse's firearm, in toto coupled with his personal articles are not the lad's property to do with whatsoever, especially since it was used as evidence and now belongs to the judicial system.

so AP, et al., what rittenhouse articulated on his publicity appearance Tuesday...doesn't make a rat's derriere in the scheme of things based in reality...until the judicial system decides disposition ~~ now does it...?


New member
Jul 31, 2013
I'm still unclear on why he went to that protest. First he says to provide security for a car lot, I want the name and number of that lot and the one who hired or enlisted him. I can't see any car lot taking on the liability of having a 17yo boy, there are real security agencies with fully licensed and bonded employees they could have went to. Next he claims to give medical aid, but with a rifle in hand? seems unlikely then he is all of a sudden a fireman, he's putting out dumpster fires. There is his social media, all the things he posted about wanting to do, it's pretty clear he wasn't there to protest the police but rather to take up for them. In the moment it very well might have been self defense but seems to me that a big part of owning and carrying is good judgement and inserting himself into a situation like that was just looking for trouble. He didn't just happen to be there, he made an effort to go there and on top of that an effort to be armed with that rifle.


Regular Member
Feb 14, 2010
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didn't just happen to be there, he made an effort to go there and on top of that an effort to be armed with that skateboard.
didn't just happen to be there, he made an effort to go there and on top of that an effort to be armed with that pistol.

change the wording just a little. almost the whole paragraph sounds like the perps he defended himself against.