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Red Robin anti 2A?


Regular Member
Mar 30, 2012
Powhatan, Va
So I was in Red Robin in Short Pump today. Getting my birthday meal with my son who was getting his own birthday meal with the rest of the family. When the assistant manager comes and asks me if I'm a LEO. Being the honest citizen that I am I told her I'm a LAC and I carry to protect my family. She says that Red Robin has policy that only LEO's can carry in their stores. We talked more and I asked to see the company policy. She called the store manager and I had the chance to talk to him. He informed me it is a corporate store and the corporate policy was to only allow LEO's to carry in their stores. I asked him to provide corporate policy and he told me he doesn't have it. That the soonest he can get it to me is Wednesday. So I left him my contact info and the address to this web-site. He paid for my wifes dinner and we stayed. I did disarm and secured my weapon. Until this is resolved I will not be returning to Red Robin. Even then depending how this turns out I may not return.

I have open carried at this location and two other Red Robin locations without incident. I hope this turns into something positive. Both the store manager and assistant manager were nice. But that alone doesn't stop a criminal. I have condensed the story a lot. But only to save from all the typing on my Kindle. Maybe others already knew their stance. I didn't.
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peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
Red Robin being anti is old news Bowes. I boycotted them years ago.
They don't serve coffee, the food is diabetic unfriendly and they're anti.

There are too many decent places to eat to even think about Red Robin.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2011
Fairfax County, VA
Not all of them do this. I've OC at three different ones on the area - Chantilly, Fair Lakes and Manasssas - without any problems.

NRA Certified Instructor & Range Safety Officer
Teaching classes in Lorton VA & Springfield VA
PM me if you need a class, RSO or safety briefing


Founder's Club Member
Mar 23, 2010
Quarryville, PA
Not all of them do this. I've OC at three different ones on the area - Chantilly, Fair Lakes and Manasssas - without any problems.

NRA Certified Instructor & Range Safety Officer
Teaching classes in Lorton VA & Springfield VA
PM me if you need a class, RSO or safety briefing

Yea, I think it's pretty well known that Red Robin does not even know what their own policy is. You could go but it's kind of like Russian roulette as to whether or not they ask you to leave.
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Regular Member
Jun 27, 2012
Windham, Maine
I haven't had troubles yet there either...I have plans to meet family at a red robin tomorrow...still going to OC.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus


Regular Member
Mar 30, 2012
Powhatan, Va
Well I guess my question is this. Is there another 2A friendly restaurant that serves a good burger with Jalapenos? Cause thats a tough one to find and it sucks but I'll make the burgers myself if thats what it takes.

Old Virginia Joe

Regular Member
Apr 25, 2010
SE Va., , Occupied CSA
So, tell me, head honchos of OCDO. What is the point of threads bloviating on and on about these mini-tyrant managers of one food chain after another, making up the rules as they go along, to fit their personal biases. What are we going to DO about it? Will we ever focus on one chain at a time, and work to set precedence that these @#$*%%^s will lose their jobs if they do these things to LAC and their families? Is this kind of thing going to go on forever? Seems to me like we need to make an example out of somebody. I can see the story written up in the trade magazine "Fast Food Franchise," where they do an indepth Human Resources story about "gun-rights groups" going after those "loose cannon" managers who deny 2A rights to their customers, and how managers need to be sure they understand corporate policy, and not to deviate from it. There would be an interview with Van Cleve, and User, from our side. Hardheaded managers will pay a price, personally!

Is this not possible? I'm not trying be ugly, but daggone, what is the endgame here? Please enlighten me on this. Is the status quo all there will ever be?


Regular Member
Aug 5, 2012
Rixeyville, VA
Mornin` Old Virginia Joe...while I understand what your saying and to expose those who won't or don't let those of us who open carry go into their establishment for what they are...what would that accomplish? I personally have been confronted by citizens walking on the street, a few weeks ago by a rather rude older woman and I was polite, answered all her questions and even tried to invite her to have a conversation with me on why she felt she had to be so rude. Didn't happen and she walked away from me muttering.

I think what we need to do, and again, this is only my humble opinion, is to educate those resteraunts, stores, managers, asst. managers, staff, etc. on why they should allow those who carry be in their establishment. If it means asking for a meeting with their higher ups, so be it. Take in literature, articles in support of open carrying, let them know that many of us are serious about what we do, we practice often (least I do), know the laws of our state, and wouldn't hesitate to protect ourselves, our family, and those around us. It does no good to piss off a business who is ignorant to gun rights and those who exercise it, it will only make them feel they are right and they won't be friendly and open to us or our reasons.

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
So, tell me, head honchos of OCDO. What is the point of threads bloviating on and on about these mini-tyrant managers of one food chain after another, making up the rules as they go along, to fit their personal biases. What are we going to DO about it? Will we ever focus on one chain at a time, and work to set precedence that these @#$*%%^s will lose their jobs if they do these things to LAC and their families? Is this kind of thing going to go on forever? Seems to me like we need to make an example out of somebody. I can see the story written up in the trade magazine "Fast Food Franchise," where they do an indepth Human Resources story about "gun-rights groups" going after those "loose cannon" managers who deny 2A rights to their customers, and how managers need to be sure they understand corporate policy, and not to deviate from it. There would be an interview with Van Cleve, and User, from our side. Hardheaded managers will pay a price, personally!

Is this not possible? I'm not trying be ugly, but daggone, what is the endgame here? Please enlighten me on this. Is the status quo all there will ever be?

We do change some Joe. As adamant as you are about rights, you aren't suggesting they can't ban guns I'm sure.

BoDo's is a good example. They went from running OC'ers off to begrudgingly allowing everyone.

If Philip got to run interference on all these, only CHiPpers would get burgers. The rest of us would have to eat Potted Meat in the park.

There are a lot more Pro Gun establishments now than anti. As times get tougher, more will either be grateful to have business or go out of business.


Regular Member
May 17, 2007
Loudoun County, Virginia, USA
So, tell me, head honchos of OCDO. What is the point of threads bloviating on and on about these mini-tyrant managers of one food chain after another, making up the rules as they go along, to fit their personal biases. What are we going to DO about it? Will we ever focus on one chain at a time, and work to set precedence that these @#$*%%^s will lose their jobs if they do these things to LAC and their families? Is this kind of thing going to go on forever? Seems to me like we need to make an example out of somebody. I can see the story written up in the trade magazine "Fast Food Franchise," where they do an indepth Human Resources story about "gun-rights groups" going after those "loose cannon" managers who deny 2A rights to their customers, and how managers need to be sure they understand corporate policy, and not to deviate from it. There would be an interview with Van Cleve, and User, from our side. Hardheaded managers will pay a price, personally!

Is this not possible? I'm not trying be ugly, but daggone, what is the endgame here? Please enlighten me on this. Is the status quo all there will ever be?

At this point there isn’t much more that can be done vs. what we’re doing in bringing enlightenment to the issue and making sure those “of the cause” are aware. While small “mom & pop” establishments may be receptive to the argument and dread the loss of profit in isolating their customer base, the sad truth is that for the large chain stores and eateries who ban carry. . .I’m fairly sure that Open carriers & CC’ers comprise such an infinitesimal percentage of their base, that the loss of our business won’t even register on their quarterly reported earnings.

That is not to say that we shouldn’t make our voices heard, nor should we stop tracking and limit our support of these businesses. By all means we should continue, but with our expectations managed that we’re still small in number and any meaningful changes is decades, rather than months away. If anybody can suggest a *LAWFUL* way to expedite that timeline with a solid methodology on how to accomplish our goals. . .I’m sure we’d all be receptive.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
So, tell me, head honchos of OCDO. What is the point of threads bloviating on and on about these mini-tyrant managers of one food chain after another, making up the rules as they go along, to fit their personal biases. What are we going to DO about it? Will we ever focus on one chain at a time, and work to set precedence that these @#$*%%^s will lose their jobs if they do these things to LAC and their families? Is this kind of thing going to go on forever? Seems to me like we need to make an example out of somebody. I can see the story written up in the trade magazine "Fast Food Franchise," where they do an indepth Human Resources story about "gun-rights groups" going after those "loose cannon" managers who deny 2A rights to their customers, and how managers need to be sure they understand corporate policy, and not to deviate from it. There would be an interview with Van Cleve, and User, from our side. Hardheaded managers will pay a price, personally!

Is this not possible? I'm not trying be ugly, but daggone, what is the endgame here? Please enlighten me on this. Is the status quo all there will ever be?

YOU are the action. If YOU don't do something, nothing will get done. So either contact managers and companies (preferably using proper grammar)

The "head honchos" of OCDO are two people who founded the site, and a small handful of moderators. Philip Van Cleave is a member, not a "honcho". Dan Hawes is a member, not a "honcho". Why must it be one of them who does something? Isn't that contrary to the principle of personal responsibility that many, if not most of us, espouse?

Some chains have both "corporate" and "franchise" locations. SOMETIMES, the managers of the franchise locations can permit things the corporate-owned locations can't; depends on their contract. Sometimes, you can convince those managers to see reason. Sometimes, a well-reasoned argument can convince corporate.

But no one is going to do it for you.
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Regular Member
Mar 30, 2012
Powhatan, Va
If anyone would like to contact the General Manager or this location, here's the information to do that.

Robert Green
General Manager

Short Pump Town Center
11784 W. Broad Street
Richmond, Va 23233

Tel : 804-364-6375
Fax: 804-364-8386

There isn't a E-mail address on the card that was provided to me. I am doing my part. We'll see if Robert does his.
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