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Rand Paul speaks the truth


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL

So bizarre that no once cares or pays attention and that this truth speaking doesn't matter in the least. Unfortunately, this talk disqualifies him from the Presidency as it's even more pointed than Trump's. The Swamp and the media would have him killed as a demon. George Orwell's memory hole isn't even necessary in the USSA. Hoo-rah!


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
I listened to the entire discussion and see absolutely no legal or Constitutional problem with anything Rand Paul said.

Is he a perfect orator? No. Did he make sense? Absolutely. Did he cover all relevant facets of this particular situation? Yes.

As the subtitle at 2:40 states, in this meeting this committee was "Reviewing Congressional Authorizations for the Use of Military Force."

Given the incredibly cost of war both in terms of dollars, human lives, and suffering, on both sides, as well as a career military officer, I applaud Senator Paul's conservative approach and his sane, salient, and insightful comments. Going to war should never be taken lightly. The "let's kick their a**!" approach usually results in far more problems and expense than it ever solves.

Article 2 was indeed authority to follow through with a previously-initiated war. But it remains Congress' authority alone to enter into war.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
Heaven forbid a "police action."

How many times must the cannon balls fly.......?

Not disputing, but springboarding.

I think the English Revolution which deposed and executed king Charles I proved it is less how many times cannon balls fly than at who they fly.
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