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Public Outdoor shooting range in Greene County


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2007
Greene County
Saturday, I had the pleasure to speak with the Owners of Big Iron Outdoors (local gunshop) and they informed me of their proposal to open an Outdoor public shooting range.

They have meet with some of the BOS and things look hopeful, but it's going to be an up hill battle.
The range is going to be on their farm but in recent years some high dollar homes have gone up nearby.

If you live in a neighboring county and/or think you would visit this range I urge you to contact the Greene County Supervisors in support of the range.

Big Iron Outdoors
15337 Spotswood Trail
POB 26
Ruckersville, VA 22968


I HAVE NO DOG IN THIS FIGHT, other than being a resident of the county.

peter nap

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 16, 2007
Good information Marco. It needs to be supported by everyone in the state.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2007
Greene County

My name is Lyle Durrer. I am a small business owner located in Ruckersville, Virginia. My family and I own and operate a cabinet making business as well as a gun shop called Big Iron Outdoors which we opened in November of 2011. Both of these businesses are located in our backyard less than a quarter mile from the intersection of route 29 and 33. We have enjoyed selling firearms, ammo, and shooting supplies to experienced and beginner shooters alike. A majority of our customers frequently ask us where they can shoot their newly purchased gun. Unfortunately, we have had to inform them that there are no local ranges that are available to the public.

After much thought, many sleepless nights, endless hours of research, and numerous phone calls and emails; we have decided to pursue building a commercial, outdoor pistol and rifle range. We are working closely with Range Systems (www.range-systems.com) from New Hope, MN; a company who has been specializing in developing ranges for commercial, military and law enforcement agencies for over two decades, to develop this range. Our top priority in developing this range is noise mitigation and the safety of its users and especially the safety and comfort of the surrounding communities.

The shooting range will be a twenty lane facility located on a two acre lot next to the big iron outdoors gun shop with room to grow. Ten of the lanes will allow shooting up to twenty five yards and the other ten lanes will be up to fifty yards. The range will have eight foot high concrete walls with bullet traps consisting of steel and rubber. Baffles will have ballistic, acoustical rubber and steel plates and will be positioned down range so no projectile can exit the range (known as a “no blue sky” range). The firing line will be covered by a structure to shield shooters from the elements. The range will be open to the public with annual memberships and walk-in hourly rates.

The range will be accessible from route 33 less than a half mile west from the route 29 & route 33 intersection in ruckersville. It is our hope that our customers will also patronize the other businesses that are located around this intersection when they visit our facility. It is also our intention to build a facility that can accommodate firearms and safety classes for beginning, intermediate, and advanced shooters.

Our first step in moving forward, presenting our request at the Greene County Planning Commission meeting on March 18, 2015 at 7:30 PM in the County Board Room, Administration Building, 40 Celt Road, Stanardsville.
We need lots of people to attend the meeting. There is power in numbers! If unable to attend, please write a LETTER or EMAIL.
All support Letters/Emails must be received by February 20, 2015.
Email the Planning and Zoning Department: planning@gcva.us
Greene County Board Of Supervisors

Mailing Address

Planning & Zoning
P.O.B. 358
Stanardsville,VA 22973
CO: Stephanie Golon, Greene County Planner.


Thank you for considering our request. Please feel free to share with anyone who might show support. If you have any questions, we'd love to hear them.

Lyle and Tammy Durrer

Lyle Durrer
Big Iron Outdoors, llc
15337 spotswood trail
po box 26
Ruckersville, va 22968
tues & thurs 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
sat 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
sun 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Your help with getting the message across that this would be good for Greene Co. and neighboring counties would be greatly appreciated.



Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
I called Lyle Durrer this morning to find out a little more about his plans. Here are the highlights of my conversation:

- the range will have Safety Officers but he's not going to let them turn into Range Nazis.

- the range (and the restrooms for the range) will be ADA-compliant. (Hooray! Indoor plumbing and paved sidewalks that do not lead to steep inclines to get to/from the shooting stations.)

- he believes that drawing from the holster is a vital part of training, but realizes that the insurance underwriter may have other views on the subject. The only concern he has is about folks trying to do quick-draw (but is open to the possibility of SSAS matches).

- loaded OC does not seem to be a problem so long as you keep it in the holster and your hands off until at the firing station and ready to fire.

- I did not ask him about picking up brass. If that's your thing call him and ask him.

I've put the March BOS meeting on my calendar. He could use folks from outside of Greene County standing up at the BOS meeting and saying they would bring their money to businesses in the county - money often overcomes hoplophobic paranoia, nowhutimean?

stay safe.


Regular Member
Apr 4, 2011
804, VA
I called Lyle Durrer this morning to find out a little more about his plans. Here are the highlights of my conversation:

- the range will have Safety Officers but he's not going to let them turn into Range Nazis.

- the range (and the restrooms for the range) will be ADA-compliant. (Hooray! Indoor plumbing and paved sidewalks that do not lead to steep inclines to get to/from the shooting stations.)

- he believes that drawing from the holster is a vital part of training, but realizes that the insurance underwriter may have other views on the subject. The only concern he has is about folks trying to do quick-draw (but is open to the possibility of SSAS matches).

- loaded OC does not seem to be a problem so long as you keep it in the holster and your hands off until at the firing station and ready to fire.

- I did not ask him about picking up brass. If that's your thing call him and ask him.

I've put the March BOS meeting on my calendar. He could use folks from outside of Greene County standing up at the BOS meeting and saying they would bring their money to businesses in the county - money often overcomes hoplophobic paranoia, nowhutimean?

stay safe.

just a thought on that point.

even if it's not "your thing" to pick up your used brass for reloading, isn't it at least good manners to pick up as much of your own used brass as you can find in order to dispose of it in a trash can, preferably a trash can marked "for used brass only" so at least someone can sort through it to reuse unwanted brass, especially as it's outdoors and no one realy wants to have to wade through ankle deep scrap metal to reach the firing line.

In your own circumstances, skid, I'm sure you'd rather have as few obstacles impeding your access as possible. Just like you'd at least pick up a broom and sweep your immediate area clear at an indoor range, it's only right you tidy up after yourself when outdoors too (yeah I realize you were mainly refering to reloading, but thought I'd say it should be picked up everytime everywhere anyway).

Skid if you ever feel getting on your hands and knees to pick up used brass isn't for you, let me know and I'm sure we could find a mutually agreeable time for me to come with you to help you out. I feel, though, in the interests of, at least partial, disclosure that I must point out my services are not free, in fact they will most certainly include the sharing of some of your toys (but NOT that tiny one that can hide in the palm of someone's hand)
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Perhaps if I had used the phrase "scrounging" brass it would have been a bit clearer.

Some ranges count of spent brass for a sidestream source of income and thus do not allow scrounging.

Tidying up after one's self is basic good manners, whether it be pushing brass against the back wall or using a dustpan to pick it up and put it in a bucket. And while tidying up after one's self I suppose there should not be any restriction against picking up your own brass (while at lest waiting for a cease-fire before going for that brass that rolled forward of the firing line.

You never have to fear the WSP Downsizer again - unless you find yourself in south-central Texas. It was sold a couple of years ago to some fool who wanted it so badkly we was willing to part with high four figures. But in respect to your dainty hands and wrists I've got a Webly in .38 short that you'll need to give a 15-yard head start (in a tailwind) if you want it to get to the 25-yard target before you can walk there.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2007
Greene County
Proposed Shooting Range in Ruckersville taken off docket for March 18! Due to clerical error the zoning board will be hearing comments on this (hopefully) during their August Meeting. More to come as soon as I'm informed. Thanks for your support. Big Iron Outdoors, Lyle Durrer and family.

I'll add info as I get it.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
a suggestion, please recommend the owner get with the NRA shooting range services http://range.nra.org/ as they will provide, for a couple of hundred dollars, consultants to assist in getting through the environmental issues, etc. they are well versed in providing assistance in getting through the hoops and whistles county's imposed gauntlets.

please do not summarily dismiss the suggestion cuz in today's anti hyperbole, pro folk trying to start something from the ground up will miss a hoop and the project will fail.

NRA Range Services today at (877) NRA RANGE (672-7264) or via email at range@nrahq.org.

sorry but it's too far away to toddle up and assist with the county's meeting.


ps there is also grants available.
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