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Ocean Front Carry


Regular Member
Sep 15, 2009
, ,
I’ll be visiting your fine state from Texas in early June. I’ve looked it up but I’m getting conflicting information. Assuming my lic is valid, can I legally carry at the Ocean Front in Virginia Beach? I’ll be spending quite a bit of time there but based on a few things, I don’t know I want to be there unarmed. Thanks

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I’ll be visiting your fine state from Texas in early June. I’ve looked it up but I’m getting conflicting information. Assuming my lic is valid, can I legally carry at the Ocean Front in Virginia Beach? I’ll be spending quite a bit of time there but based on a few things, I don’t know I want to be there unarmed. Thanks
I don't live in VA, but I could not find anything disallowing it.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Per handgunlaw.us VA recognizes and honors the Lonestar’s permit/license. http://handgunlaw.us/

While you didn’t mention OC or CC

From handgun’s VA cite:

Open Carry is legal. Places as listed in the “Places Off Limits” above apply to those who open carry. The Governor has also stated he will ban Open Carry in all buildings under the Exe Branches control. They would have to be posted No Open Carry. Open Carry is very common in Virginia. See the “RV/Car Carry Without a Permit” section for carrying in a vehicle.

The state preempts all firearm laws in the state and local authorities can’t have Laws/Ordinances against open carry. Remember that if you enter any property and the owner/responsible person ask you to leave you must leave. Failure to leave can result in Trespass Charges. The Minimum age for Open Carry is 18.

Finally, there have been members and other citizens judicially charged under a vague concept called ‘brandishing’.

Enjoy your trip


Regular Member
Jul 25, 2017
May I “open carry” a firearm in Virginia?
A firearm may be carried openly in Virginia except where prohibited by statute. Please refer to Sections 18.2-279 to 18.2-311.2. The Code of Virginia may be searched at http://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode.

Is a concealed handgun permit issued in another state valid or recognized in Virginia?
States with which Virginia has entered into concealed handgun permit reciprocity agreements, or which Virginia will grant recognition, are listed on our Reciprocity and Recognition page.

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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
May I “open carry” a firearm in Virginia?
A firearm may be carried openly in Virginia except where prohibited by statute. Please refer to Sections 18.2-279 to 18.2-311.2. The Code of Virginia may be searched at http://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode........
Can you please explain how Sections 18.2-279 to 18.2-311.2. has anything to do with open carry? Also, pointing to the VA code to search for places outlawing open carry is really not helpful. Most people cannot navigate a state code. It is not an easy process.

It would be nice if you could point the OP in the right direction.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2008
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Check out this site.

The printable card (we provide these at all VCDL events) list all places in the Commonwealth where carry (OC or CC) is prohibited.
As was pointed out above, if private property is posted don't enter, or if your asked to leave, leave.

Also, see https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter7/section18.2-308.014/ the Virginia Reciprocity statute.
Currently, Virginia honors permits from all other states. The minimum age for CC is 21, OC is 18.

You might also try https://friendorfoe.us/

Hope this helps.


Regular Member
Sep 15, 2009
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I’ve read all I can find on the local laws and so far have found only the things you guys have posted. My fiancé is originally from VB and swears up and down that possessing a firearm at the Oceanfront is prohibited. I can’t find it on the VB city site, the statute book for VA or anywhere else. With that said, guess I can carry.

You guys have mentioned and I’ve seen references to private property being posted. In Texas, they have to have a specific sign with the correct wording in the proper size or it isn’t legal and doesn’t hold the weight of law. However, if they ask you to leave, you must leave. What constitutes a legal posting in VA?

Btw, thanks for all the help so far.


Regular Member
Jul 25, 2017
if there's a sign on the door, then it's a no no......

uhhh ohhhhh flashback............

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Regular Member
Sep 15, 2009
, ,
if there's a sign on the door, then it's a no no......

uhhh ohhhhh flashback............

My question is, what sign? Any sign? The old gun buster sign is good enough? The words “No Guns”?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
My question is, what sign? Any sign? The old gun buster sign is good enough? The words “No Guns”?

From handgunlaw.us, quote:
“No Firearm” signs in Virginia have no force of law unless they are posted on property that is specifically mentioned in State Law as being off limits to those with a Permit/License to Carry. If you are in a place not specifically mentioned in the law that is posted and they ask you to leave, you must leave. If you refuse to leave then you are breaking the law and can be charged. Even if the property is not posted and you are asked to leave you must leave. Always be aware of the possibility that responding Police Officers who may have been called without your knowledge and may not know the laws on trespass etc. could arrest you even if you are within the law.

Uh huh, LE(s) might not know the law and could arrest you...nawlll, that’ll never happen...no would it? :eek:


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2008
Newport News, Virginia, USA
mustangkiller said:
I’ve read all I can find on the local laws and so far have found only the things you guys have posted. My fiancé is originally from VB and swears up and down that possessing a firearm at the Oceanfront is prohibited. I can’t find it on the VB city site, the statute book for VA or anywhere else. With that said, guess I can carry.

Why does your fiance think that carry is illegal in VB? (A lot of folks still think that localities can regulate carry. We (VCDL) get those questions a lot at our gun show table.)
You shouldn't find any local ordinances banning/limiting carry (OC or CC), except those that regulate hunting, because of Virginia's Preemption statute.
See https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title15.2/chapter9/section15.2-915/
§ 15.2-915. Control of firearms; applicability to authorities and local governmental agencies.

One other thing:
It is legal to carry in restaurants that serve alcohol, with the caveat that if you are CCing, you may not consume alcohol. Note that if you enter while CCing, simply switching to OC in order to order a drink doesn't work. You'd need to exit the premises, shift carry mode, then reenter. And there is no specific BAC limit to determine intoxication while carrying a firearm.
§ 18.2-308.012. Prohibited conduct.
B. No person who carries a concealed handgun onto the premises of any restaurant or club as defined in § 4.1-100 for which a license to sell and serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption has been granted by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority under Title 4.1 may consume an alcoholic beverage while on the premises. A person who carries a concealed handgun onto the premises of such a restaurant or club and consumes alcoholic beverages is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. However, nothing in this subsection shall apply to a federal, state, or local law-enforcement officer.

Hope this helps.