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OCDO viral or television commercials?


Regular Member
Mar 30, 2012
Powhatan, Va
Has anyone ever thought about doing a OCDO viral or television commercial to promote what we believe in? I had some hilarious and serious ideas for a series of commercials showcasing why open carry is a good thing. They would be a 30 second spot at most and would all end with "Guns save lives", then the OCDO web address. I know it would take money and a production team. I dont have resources to either. But if someone does, I would like to discuss something like this in more detail. To fully understand all the good and bad angles of doing something like this. I think it could be very positive and helpful in a lot of ways.
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Regular Member
Apr 13, 2012
Wheat Ridge Colorado
Thought about it more than once. I may put a video or 2 on youtube about OC and CC. Whats holding me back is the BS comments that will follow from Anti's and from those who feel CC is better than OC and vice versa.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Sticks and stones....if it don't violate the terms and conditions of YouTube, who cares what others 'say' from the safety of their mom's basement.

As long as the content and message are not focused on the 'evil gun' but on self-defense outside of the home, it will resonate quite well amongst the citizenry.

The majority of folks 'get it' where firearms are concerned. A minority of folks, usually loony-lib-sock-puppet-undies-in-a-bunch-bed-wetters, are more vocal and they have little else to do in their troubled existence other than to occupy something or someplace. Or, when not occupying something or someplace, think up news ways to restrict our liberties.


Regular Member
Apr 13, 2011
Louisa, Kentucky
I agree that this would be a good thing. Though we will get a lot of thumbs downs and a lot of dissenting comments I do not think that should change anything. Most people believe our right to carry but the majority of commenters would probably not. If we do youtube campaign or something similar we NEED to allow free comments, to show that our point is more valid that the MAIG and the Brady Bunch.


Regular Member
Jan 27, 2011
Henderson, Nevada
I don't think it's a bad idea to have videos put up, but I very much doubt any of them will go viral. It would be nice...but it's just not that easy. I don't think enough people care.

There are tonnes of videos up about OC and OC experiences and I haven't seen any that have gone viral yet.
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Have any of you thinking about mentioning OCDO/www.opencarry.org discussed that with the owners of the site and the url?

Not that I'm against the idea of trying to spread the word about what we do and support, but involving their property in any scheme without permission might get a bit dicey.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Mar 30, 2012
Powhatan, Va
I had thought about that and had hoped they might chime in on this thread. I would NEVER use their name without permission. I was looking for a discussion on the topic and hoped the owners might let me know what they think in this thread. If its a no go with them then this is dead to me as far as using their name. Also I dont care if there are ten million why I carry stories out there. These would have a commercial feel and be designed to leave the person hungry for more information which we could provide for them here. There's a reason none of those have gone viral. They haven't been made palatable for the mass populous.

I guess I'll break it down like this. I need to know if the owners (whoever they may be of this site), would be interested in doing some serious and funny television/viral commercials about open carry? Or if they have done some in the past?

Done, thank you!


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
I had thought about that and had hoped they might chime in on this thread. I would NEVER use their name without permission. I was looking for a discussion on the topic and hoped the owners might let me know what they think in this thread.

I'm trying really hard to remain socially appropriate as I let you know that there is a Private Messaging feature that can be used to communicate with the owners.

stay safe.