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Now Legal to Carry in NY

LiL Guap

New member
Dec 31, 2020
It is now legal for any law abiding citizen over the age of 21 to carry concealed in NY.
The SC struck down NY's licensing scheme this morning. As of 10 am there is no licensing requirement in NY and therefore it is legal to Carry without a license unless and until NY implements a new licensing scheme that is constitutional.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
It is now legal for any law abiding citizen over the age of 21 to carry concealed in NY.
The SC struck down NY's licensing scheme this morning. As of 10 am there is no licensing requirement in NY and therefore it is legal to Carry without a license unless and until NY implements a new licensing scheme that is constitutional.
Already being discussed:


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
It is now legal for any law abiding citizen over the age of 21 to carry concealed in NY.
The SC struck down NY's licensing scheme this morning. As of 10 am there is no licensing requirement in NY and therefore it is legal to Carry without a license unless and until NY implements a new licensing scheme that is constitutional.
Yeah.....but not intelligently!
welcome to the open carry forum...
so if you feel the previously started thread regarding USSC's decision is disappointing you might visit that thread and articulate what information you feel is missing and/or are seeking...

just a thought...


Sep 7, 2019
Darkside, AZ
So, a NY resident, over 21, can now carry concealed without a permit? Obviously one has to be free of convictions/felonies etc.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
It is now legal for any law abiding citizen over the age of 21 to carry concealed in NY.
The SC struck down NY's licensing scheme this morning. As of 10 am there is no licensing requirement in NY and therefore it is legal to Carry without a license unless and until NY implements a new licensing scheme that is constitutional.
Welcome, new troll.

The SCOTUS ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen did not remotely announce anything of the kind.

Do you know what "reverse and remand" means?


Sep 7, 2019
Darkside, AZ
I remember before I left NY almost 4 years ago, there were a few counties working on becoming 2A sanctuaries. I believe one or two did.

LiL Guap

New member
Dec 31, 2020
Welcome, new troll.

The SCOTUS ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen did not remotely announce anything of the kind.

Do you know what "reverse and remand" means?
You obviously don't. If you are going to quote something you should be complete. The entire quote is "We therefore reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeals and remand the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion."

The Court found the entire "licensing scheme" unconstitutional; not any particular law. Therefore, as things stand right now, there are no licensing laws in existence in NY and carry is legal.

If you do not believe me then see what the Bronx DA had to say on NBC News.
Last edited:


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc

If you do not believe me then see what the Bronx DA had to say on NBC News.
LiL Guap, one of the rules of the forum is,

(11) RESPECT COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: We often share news stories with one another. Please remember that these stories are copyrighted material and only post a fair-use excerpt along with a link where the rest of the story may be read.

further this practices keeps the forum, per se., out of trouble as well as allows members to see first hand what was specifically stated by the newspeek media...

so you have a specific cite for your comment about the Bronx DA, especially since all i see is youtube & FB commentary...

LiL Guap

New member
Dec 31, 2020
LiL Guap, one of the rules of the forum is,

(11) RESPECT COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: We often share news stories with one another. Please remember that these stories are copyrighted material and only post a fair-use excerpt along with a link where the rest of the story may be read.

further this practices keeps the forum, per se., out of trouble as well as allows members to see first hand what was specifically stated by the newspeek media...

so you have a specific cite for your comment about the Bronx DA, especially since all i see is youtube & FB commentary...
How stupid can someone be? I did not post any copyright material.... just made reference to what someone said on the news.

This is why reputable people have stopped posting on this forum. Every good post has to be taken over by solus, accomplished advocate, etc.

Idiots.....please stay off my thread.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
How stupid can someone be? I did not post any copyright material.... just made reference to what someone said on the news.

This is why reputable people have stopped posting on this forum. Every good post has to be taken over by solus, accomplished advocate, etc.

Idiots.....please stay off my thread.
so LiL Guap, let's see for a moment how you worded your previous posted comment, oh ya...quote:

"The Court found the entire "licensing scheme" unconstitutional; not any particular law. Therefore, as things stand right now, there are no licensing laws in existence in NY and carry is legal.

If you do not believe me then see what the Bronx DA had to say on NBC News." unquote

so let's see now you stated legal misinformation with your perceived hyperbole that "...carry is legal." in NY w/o any type of statutory cite or reference, again a violation of forum rules, then,

another statement about some alleged legal beagle making some commentary on newspeek media, again w/o a viable cite anywhere in sight to substantiate any of your hearsay hyperbole.

then you engage in disrespectful commentary towards this member as well as hurling elementary playground names towards someone or the entire membership...

finally, last i checked this isn't your thread or for that matter, not your forum, in any shape or form, so you are liken to some lowly stock clerk, in wally world threating to throw someone out of the facility as well as threatening to press/file trespassing charges if the customer fails to heed your commands...

sorry mate...like Diogenes searching for an honest man, this member is still searching for a good post from you...

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
How stupid can someone be? I did not post any copyright material.... just made reference to what someone said on the news.

This is why reputable people have stopped posting on this forum. Every good post has to be taken over by solus, accomplished advocate, etc.

Idiots.....please stay off my thread.
You are way out of line. I suggest you step back and start over.

LiL Guap

New member
Dec 31, 2020
How stupid can someone be? I did not post any copyright material.... just made reference to what someone said on the news.

This is why reputable people have stopped posting on this forum. Every good post has to be taken over by solus, accomplished advocate, etc.
Like I said, every thread.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
How stupid can someone be? I did not post any copyright material.... just made reference to what someone said on the news.

This is why reputable people have stopped posting on this forum. Every good post has to be taken over by solus, accomplished advocate, etc.

Idiots.....please stay off my thread.
sidebar...how would you know I am the cause of 'reputable people' have stopped posting on this forum...

hummm me thinks there is something rotten in Denmark...

LiL Guap

New member
Dec 31, 2020
sidebar...how would you know I am the cause of 'reputable people' have stopped posting on this forum...

hummm me thinks there is something rotten in Denmark...
Go back to Denmark. Just stay off my thread.

LiL Guap

New member
Dec 31, 2020
Bronx DA said that anyone coming into the county with a valid out of state carry permit will not be prosecuted.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Bronx DA said that anyone coming into the county with a valid out of state carry permit will not be prosecuted.
How pray tell LiL Guap help those NY citizens carry their SD hanguns?

oh btw...you also seem to have forgotten any sort of a viable cite for your legal misinformation hyperbole statement above...
Go back to Denmark. Just stay off my thread.
your thread...indeed...full of complete misinformation...