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Not necessarily OC related, then again…,


Regular Member
Jul 12, 2007
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Grapeshot I'm going to let you decide how to handle this one. By now some of you may have seen the story on Channel 12 WWBT concerning a young Goochland man that shattered three of his cervical vertebrae and may be paralyzed while at Nags Head a few days ago. The story is apparently being told on Facebook also, and they are soliciting prayers for his recovery and would appreciate any donations that might be forthcoming to help pay for the numerous medical bills that will undoubtedly follow.

What's the connection, why am I posting this here? Well, there are a couple of reasons, the first being that the young man in question, Riley Saunders, is the nephew of my niece's husband. How does that tie in with the OC community? Here it is, Riley's mother, Gwen Saunders, is the waitress that served us so well for so many times at one of our favorite OC Dinner locations, namely, "The Hickory Notch Grill" on Rt. 250 in Goochland.

I know that a lot of you are well stocked up on Brunswick Stew, even those that really love the stuff probably haven't come close to eating all that you bought. However, some of you enjoyed the experience so much that they've been asking when we were going to have another!

I would have to talk to the church, talk to the families, and get some things set up, but if all went well, I would be happy to volunteer another weekend sometime in the near future to have another fundraiser, but I will need some help again, but I will NOT be part of the "Collection Department", so to speak. Someone or some others will have to take care of that.

Any "Takers"? I could be wrong, but I'm not sure we can ever have too many friends, especially in these coming days.


Jeremiah 29:11-13

we are not equal, we will never be equal, but we must be relentless.
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
We'll figure out the logistics.

Also, this may be a natural for GoFundMe.
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006

A link to a gofundme site is already up, link..


Hope he has the best outcome possible.
Thank you for that link.