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Non resident CPL

Glocked and Loaded

Regular Member
Jun 26, 2009
Everett, Washington, USA
imported post

My brother moved across the Country in January and is Visiting and will be visiting whenever he can. I gave him a Glock right before he moved and now he wants to carry it up here when he visits.

We will just open carry for now but it would be good to get him a cpl in case he accidentally puts on a coat which would make him a criminal :banghead:

He would now technically be a non resident and I suppose can get a CPL at any county from what I can remember reading in the past.

Where would be the best place with the fastest result in getting the CPL? Preferably same day. We are in Everett and it may be worth a trip to get it faster.

Thanks in advance. Any helpful input is appreciated.

Glocked and Loaded

Regular Member
Jun 26, 2009
Everett, Washington, USA
imported post

j2l3 wrote:
Kitsap County Sheriff Office in Silverdale.... usually same day issuance...

Awesome. Thank you.

Any cool parks around there where we can take my nephew (13 months) to play?
Maybe a nice beach where he can run around?

Might as well make it an all day event since where there.


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2007
Seattle, Washington, USA
imported post

Others can best answer your question on parks. Most of that area is near the water, so shouldn't be too difficult to find a nice one.

Checking google maps for Silverdale should show them to you as well.

Glocked and Loaded

Regular Member
Jun 26, 2009
Everett, Washington, USA
imported post

He moved to South Carolina. He does not have a CPL yet.

He is not new to guns he is just new to owning one. I bought a Glock 22 and gave it to him right before he left for a Home Defense gun. He wants to start carrying to protect his family.

He was asking me earlier this week what it would take to get a CPL here and he is arriving today. So we will probably head over there Monday to get him one. Maybe his wife will get one, She grew up with guns too.


Opt-Out Members
Nov 22, 2006
Yakima, Washington, USA
imported post

I would give them a call first, as him being out of state normally creates a longer waiting time.

Just so you are aware of the law covering this, here ya go.

RCW 9.41.070Concealed pistol license — Application — Fee — Renewal.

(1) The chief of police of a municipality or the sheriff of a county shall within thirty days after the filing of an application of any person, issue a license to such person to carry a pistol concealed on his or her person within this state for five years from date of issue, for the purposes of protection or while engaged in business, sport, or while traveling.

However, if the applicant does not have a valid permanent Washington driver's license or Washington state identification card or has not been a resident of the state for the previous consecutive ninety days, the issuing authority shall have up to sixty days after the filing of the application to issue a license. The issuing authority shall not refuse to accept completed applications for concealed pistol licenses during regular business hours.

If is a warning only that it could take up to 60 days does not mean they have to take that long.

Bill Starks

State Researcher
Dec 27, 2007
Nortonville, KY, USA
imported post

Kitsap has a fast turn around IF you already have an out of state permit/license. If you don't have one at all you are still looking at a waiting period.

Glocked and Loaded

Regular Member
Jun 26, 2009
Everett, Washington, USA
imported post

So its not worth the drive then? Just get it locally and he will have it for next time hes out here?

Thank you everybody for the useful information. I do appreciate it.
I will still call around on Monday to see what can happen. But if he still has to wait a week then might as well get it here since he will be gone by the end of that week.