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Nice little covert cam


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Do you have personal experience with this cam?

The reason I ask is that there are LOADS of "spy cams" and/or personal recording devices out there, and just a link, without a personal review, doesn't give one much to go on.

Personally I've tried two or three, and found all sorts of issues - such as 1) recording time being a great deal longer than battery life, 2) finding out that the "recording time" is not continuous recording time and that the recorder must be re-set to record after x minutes, 3) audio, video or both are great/okay/poor.

For instance, the reviews on the link you have provided range from "this will only work if plugged in will only record for about 6 seconds if not plugged in if plug in will record about 1 hour" to "Don't waste your money like I did. it worked 1st time I pressed the record button. has not worked since" to "You need to find a way to have it aim in a good direction and then it works fine".
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