I cruised around the "related videos" a bit and found this GEM of a reply to a commenter on another video......
The guy was "checked out" at an Arby's by LEO, and it was uneventful.
But then one of the SHEEPLE we have in our midst tried to chastise him.
I just don't want to deal with the hassle of dealing with the cops, most of which are power tripping pigs. At least the city cops here are. The County are much more professional. City PD sucks: corruption, sexual harassment charges, etc.
Video poster:
some people fought and died for their rights, and you aren't willing to even talk to a cop, on the off chance that he might stop you for exercising them? If you can't stand up to a cop who is probably on your side, what are you going to do against an armed criminal? When that cop left, I shook his hand, you can be absolutely certain that I won't shake yours. Leave your gun at home, if yoy cant fight for our rights, then stop being a parasite.