Each county is allowed to tweak the terms of your carry permit. For example, in Lee County there's no CCW allowed in any establishment that serves alcohol for consumption on the premises. In Shelby County you can CCW as long as you aren't consuming alcohol in those places. Part of the reason for that is because Lee County is a college town and the Voter's/M.A.D.D demanded it. Your sheriff is an elected official. Voter issues will always sway decisions. If you think open carry is going to go over well in a bar in Lee County then you're off your rocker.
I don't know what the average age here is, it doesn't really matter. I’m young and I've done a lot of CCW in off limit places in my life. Many have. I do a bit of open carry too from private land to walking to the mailbox at night. But at the end of the day I choose not to draw attention to myself or walk into an establishment that might result in my arrest, wrongfully or not. Personally, at my age I don't have the time to spend in jail and court nor do I particularly feel like parting with the cash for an attorney over a situation that could have been easily avoided. What I’m saying is that here in Lee County you’re going to do 2 things by open carrying:
1) End up in jail. Whether it’s wrongful or not doesn’t change the outcome.
2) End up on the local news with the only result being the local community looking down on handguns and the entire issue of carry even more than many here already do. It’s the same reason why the follow up to vmathis’ situation hasn’t been printed yet. Politics.
Do I believe in open carry? Yes. Do I believe that it’s a right? Yes. But again, there are very few places where I’d do it because
personally I
choose not to end up with cuffs and a 2 minutes segment on the local news.

Again, that’s a personal decision.
Those of you that live in Lee County – Go by and ask Jay your questions. His door is always open.