Regular Member
I suppose this will come as no great shock to anyone, but today the Washington Post published the first in a series of articles about all the "crime guns" traced to dealers in various locations. This particular day they were picking on Maryland gun dealers. (Virginia gets the business tomorrow).
I'm aware that most of us could probably take the words "Washinton Post Gun Series" and pretty much know what the series says without reading one word. Indeed, it's the same tired old argle-bargle mixed in with stories of ppeople shooting other people with guns that were sold legally at some point (duh).
However, I took a look at the graphs they used. Lo and behold, while the tone of the article would lead one to think that all these "crime traces" were from homicides and assaults; in fact the vast majority of "crime guns" were seized in conjunction with drug zrrests (Which could be some poor schmo who had a legal firearm in his closet and a half-smoked marihuana cigarette in an ashtray); OR they were "crime guns" seized in a case of "unlawful gun possession", usually in the District of Columbia.
That the Washington Post is biased is no surprise. Just how biased they are can be amply illustrated by the fact that, about a month before the 2000 Presidential election they ran an item alleging to explain the function of the Electoral College in the "Kid's Post" pages. The Post told the kiddies that the purpose of the ElectorAl College was to be a buffer in case the voters made a "bad choice" (If that is the case, they sure effed up two years ago).
But when Dubya was declared the winner, who wound up kvetching about the "antiquated" Electoral College? You guessed it.
Well, the Post seems to be leading off a full-court anti-2A press. When the Democrat Party loses their hienies in just more than a week, they will be reallly angry. Here it comes, folks. Be Prepared.
I'm aware that most of us could probably take the words "Washinton Post Gun Series" and pretty much know what the series says without reading one word. Indeed, it's the same tired old argle-bargle mixed in with stories of ppeople shooting other people with guns that were sold legally at some point (duh).
However, I took a look at the graphs they used. Lo and behold, while the tone of the article would lead one to think that all these "crime traces" were from homicides and assaults; in fact the vast majority of "crime guns" were seized in conjunction with drug zrrests (Which could be some poor schmo who had a legal firearm in his closet and a half-smoked marihuana cigarette in an ashtray); OR they were "crime guns" seized in a case of "unlawful gun possession", usually in the District of Columbia.
That the Washington Post is biased is no surprise. Just how biased they are can be amply illustrated by the fact that, about a month before the 2000 Presidential election they ran an item alleging to explain the function of the Electoral College in the "Kid's Post" pages. The Post told the kiddies that the purpose of the ElectorAl College was to be a buffer in case the voters made a "bad choice" (If that is the case, they sure effed up two years ago).
But when Dubya was declared the winner, who wound up kvetching about the "antiquated" Electoral College? You guessed it.
Well, the Post seems to be leading off a full-court anti-2A press. When the Democrat Party loses their hienies in just more than a week, they will be reallly angry. Here it comes, folks. Be Prepared.