Looks bad!
From arfcom
Committee Meeting at 2:30 PM
Originally Posted By Miami_JBT:
Amendment 772096 makes the Dept of Ag transfer 10% of all fees from CCW permits be spent on repaying Trauma Centers for the medical costs of caring for patients of "Mass Shootings". The term "mass shooting" means an incident in which four or more people are killed or injured by firearms in one or more locations in close proximity.
Amendment 411458 is the Assault Weapons Ban.
Amendment 812202 makes possession of a Bump Stock a Felony.
Amendment 697008 makes a requirement to have a safe, trigger lock, etc... basically you cannot keep a gun unlocked or loaded in your home.
Amendment 197998 makes registration legal in Florida.
Amendment 504798 makes universal background checks and ends private sales.
Here is the makeup of the Rules Committee.
Chair: Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (R) - PRO GUN
Vice Chair: Senator Oscar Braynon II (D) - ANTI-GUN
Senator Lauren Book (D) - ANTI-GUN
Senator Rob Bradley (R) - unknown
Senator Jeff Brandes (R) - unknown
Senator Anitere Flores (R) - ANTI-GUN
Senator Bill Galvano (R) - ANTI-GUN
Senator Tom Lee (R) - unknown
Senator Bill Montford (D) - ANTI-GUN
Senator Keith Perry (R) - unknown
Senator Jose Javier Rodriguez (D) - ANTI-GUN
Senator Wilton Simpson (R) - unknown
Senator Perry E. Thurston, Jr. (D) - ANTI-GUN
Florida senators to vote today on gun measures. Will it include assault weapons ban?
The Senate Rules Committee votes on an amendment to SPB 7022 by Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez, D-Miami that bans semi-automatic firearms, including AR-15s, sold in Florida.
A powerful Florida Senate committee is expected to approve a package of bills Monday that are bitterly opposed by the National Rifle Association.
That is news.
It's the first time in more than a decade that legislation opposed by the politically powerful interest group will have advanced in Florida's Republican-led Legislature. So is this the tipping point of the gun debate that has been dominated for the last decade by the gun-rights lobby?
The answer to that will come when the Senate Rules Committee votes on an amendment to SPB 7022 on Monday by Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez, D-Miami. He proposes a sweeping ban on semi-automatic firearms, including AR-15s, sold in Florida.
If Rodriguez's amendment is rejected, the gun lobby will take credit, as it has for every attempt to block gun control in Florida for years.
The bills before the Senate Rules Committee Monday — SPB 7022, 7024 and 7026 — will raise the legal age for purchasing any firearm in Florida, impose a three-day waiting period for most gun purchases, increase school safety measures and include the words "seize and hold firearms" from persons deemed to be dangerous to themselves and others. A similar package will be taken up by the House Rules Committee on Tuesday.
Polling reveals a gap
An internal poll conducted last week by a political committee for Senate Republicans found that two-thirds of all Florida voters, including a majority of gun owners, support an assault weapons ban. But the package introduced by House and Senate leaders last week, and a similar proposal advanced by Gov. Rick Scott, won't include the ban, despite the appeals by the Parkland students in rallies in Tallahassee last week.
If you're in Florida call your reps