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List Your Open Carry Experiences Here



I've not posted about open carry for a long while simply because open carry has become so commonplace it is just a part of my every day life.

Have had a lot of business with my bank lately getting a personal loan and getting a new mortgage. My open carry was never an issue with any appointments or bank representatives I met for the first time. But then a smile and a bit of light banter goes a long way for putting people at ease.


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2011
Kalamazoo, MI
It's been a while since a business has called on me for OC. Kalamazoo County Sheriff Department showed up. I waved, and greeted the officer as I walked to my car. He acted as though to enter the business, and waited until I sat in my car. Then he approached under the "Can you produce your CPL?, most people that OC don't have one, and once you sat in your vehicle you concealed, therefore you need a CPL" Well played sir....well played. Lol.

Treated me with respect, overall another normal day, with another great OC LEO encounter. 😁

Carry On!


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Open carried while voting yesterday. All went smoothly.


Wish I could do that, but my local EM school school is my precinct and schools are GFZs in Virginia.

Sooo, I wear an obviously empty holster+ a shirt and a hat with 2A slogans on them. The Board of Elections tried to ban such clothing items a while back - it didn't work.


Regular Member
Jul 6, 2009
Macomb County, Michigan, USA
And again I ask, is this not a publicly owned facility? If so, then HOW can it be deemed a GFZ?

If a business owner rents a property just as you do on your property you can ban guns. The renter/owner/leaser has the right to allow or not allow firearms on their property. Just as we have a choice to not give our money to an anti-gun business including a gun show with authoritarian policies.


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
If a business owner rents a property just as you do on your property you can ban guns. The renter/owner/leaser has the right to allow or not allow firearms on their property. Just as we have a choice to not give our money to an anti-gun business including a gun show with authoritarian policies.

Is this exclusive to Michigan? Becuase it's not like that in Florida.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
This horse has been beat to death numerous times on this forum, Migunowners, and numerous other internet sites...

if there is a clause in the lease/rental/etc., then the landlord/property owner can ban leasee’s firearms on their property.

This stated, once the lease/rental/etc., is signed then the leasee is in charge of the property and may institute any legal mandates on ‘their’ property, including restricting firearms!

cite: contract business law 101.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2009
Northwest Kent County, Michigan
Opened carried in Frankenmuth on Saturday at some local history museum (forgot the name), Bavarian Inn restaurant where we had a nice meal, the city information center, Zenders, and up and down the sidewalks. No issues whatsoever as expected.
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Open carried at Bare's Sport shop in St. Charles MI yesterday as I bought a Ruger EC9s. No problems as expected.


Sep 2, 2018
Clare County Michigan
Open Carrier in Walmart

My teen daughter and I were in the Mount PLeasant Walmart when we spotted a Father and his younger daughter walking in front of us I asked my daughter if she sees anything and she said yes the little girl , I said no look at the father to which she said so to which I replied look on his hip she then sees his sidearm and she didn't go screaming out of the store as NO ONE else either . I thanked the man for his participation in exercising our right and wished him a good night . Great experience shows people are more worried about other guys that you can't see their intentions .

Scary Guy

New member
Jun 22, 2022
Detroit, MI
This happened many years ago (probably ten at this point) at a Planned Parenthood protest counter-protest with some friends from Michigan Atheists in Ferndale. I was the only one OC'ing and one of the lefties thought I was on the wrong side and tried to give me some flack for it. I told them that I might see them on the other side of a different protest in the future "but for now we are allies" which got them to shut up. I then saw a cop nearby who said absolutely nothing to me. Some of the pro-life group came over and we had a nice chat as well. Eventually I ended up between the two groups with my own sign that I got from one of the pro-choice crowd.

Later my friend (who wasn't into guns at the time but later got into them) and I were eating at a nearby restaurant (before I knew about all the health issues) and was OC'ing in there as well sitting down. I guess I made some people uncomfortable because the manager came over and told me I couldn't have the gun in the restaurant because they served alcohol. I then informed them on the law since it's legal if they make most (51%) of their profit (not sure if net or gross but I don't really care) in food rather than in liquor sales. They then said I could stay but we had to eat out on the patio, to which I agreed.

All in all it was a pretty good day.