Probably a troll, but Ill bite.
If you are who I think you are, you should know that citizens are not required to answer questions. And the OP has the right to say whatever he likes. There is also no law requiring us to be cooperative. The OP was right, your co-worker was wrong.
And those youtube videos that you mention of people getting "served" are videos of police employees breaking the law. Call it what you want, but we all know what is happening. And if you support that, or are a part of it when it happens, then you sir, are criminal as well.
Ignorance of the law...hmm..seems to work both ways in the OP video. Except the OP wasn't actually breaking any laws, the servant was.
It matters not what the public knows is legal or not. It falls to the 911 operator and to responding officers to educate the citizens of the city about the legality of it. Earlier you mentioned "Serve and Protect". Well, that goes for everyone. Not just the sheep that call in because someone is exercising their rights in a way they dont like.
The 2nd Amendment says "shall not be infringed". That means he can carry his guns, any of them, any damned way he pleases, regardless of what you, or some soccer mom thinks.
I know you're probably a troll. And you are just trying to get a rise out of us. But the fact of the matter is; open carry and the 2nd Amendment are here to stay. If you decide that our exercise of the 2nd Amendment is too much for you to handle, then move to one of those countries that have disarmed their populace, including their police. I am sure you'll feel much safer.
And I agree with JoeSparky. Probably a co-worker or possibly even the servant seen in the OP video.
I don't know who you think I am but, I doubt I'm that guy. I don't work with Rick. As mentioned earlier, I know him from school and haven't talked to him in about 25 years. I grew up in Le Mars, but don't live there. I know people that know the OP because of his open carry. The OP is well within his right to open carry and Rick was incorrect to take the courtesy card. I don't think that's even a debate.
My beef is how this whole video and reaction even came about. The OP open carries, the police know this and they get calls about a man with a gun repeatedly when he open carries. When the police stop to talk to him, he videos them. Fine he can do that, but why? Is he trying to get a rise out of the officer? Is he trying to get an officer to slip up? Why video every encounter? What's he worried about if he is within the law? What's the point?
Why open carry an AR-15? This website discourages it.
Carrying an AR-15 around isn't drawing attention to an issue, he is scaring the $hit out of people. What good can come of that? When people get scared, they become compelled to do what they feel is necessary to stop it.
I never said I supported the police doing what is seen on other youtube videos. I don't support people acting like fools either. What's the saying: you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. You keep playing this bait the law enforcement game, you may wind up hurt or dead. Why even play that game? What good can come of it? Even if you are within your rights, common sense tells me not to poke a bear with a stick.
I obtained my CC permit a couple months ago along with a permit to purchase a handgun. I've never felt the need to do that in my adult live and I'm in my mid-40s. Why now? What made me do it? It was because of the gut feeling that things are changing in this country and not for the better. It was because I feel like I needed to in order to protect me and my family. It was because my gut is telling me that if I don't do it now I may not be able to in the near future, the window is closing. When I see a guy parading around with an AR-15, I see that window closing even faster. There are far more people that are becoming more anti-gun by the day thanks to mainstream media and lunatics going on killing sprees. And those anti-gunners will push harder and harder to 'protect the children' and take away our rights. I believe that open carrying an AR-15 is pushing people in the wrong direction harder and faster.
I'm not a troll, I saw a link to this forum over on arfcom. I haven't read through many of the threads here. I stated I was opening a can worms because my feeling that any comment made that questioned open carry was going to be met with disgust. I'm here laying out my thoughts on why I think the OP was wrong. I know a little more about the story than most here since Le Mars where I grew up and still have friends and family there. I detect that the OP's open carry is having more of a negative effect in Le Mars than a positive one.