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Just a quick funny


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
South Whidbey, Washington, USA
So after concealing all day and feeling typically uncomfortable about it, I finally left the shoot-me-first vest in the truck when me & my wife stopped at the McDonalds in Mukilteo. As I'm walking out, the lady in the front seat of a car by the door gets the wide-eyed "OMG a gun!" look.

A moment later as I'm passing the car, I hear the door locks click.

Struck me as funny. Thought to myself, "yeah, lotta good that's gonna do you lady, had I been an actual bad guy."


Regular Member
Jun 16, 2009
Kitsap Co., Washington, USA
Wife and I were sitting in the car on a cloudy evening. It was rather warm day so the windows were down.
- Thank gawd we were in a parking lt because a HUGE clap of thunder cracked..... she screamed (like a movie star) ..... then frantically rolled up the window.... Then started to laugh because she realized it would not help. :rolleyes: We still poke fun about it from time to time :p