Regular Member
I have a friend that is planning to visit the grand state of NM but he wants to make sure that OCing a handgun in an IWB setup is kosher before packing. Anyone have any knowledge of this?
I've been told by several officers - including a Police Chief and a Sheriff - that if the firearm is not clearly visible, they consider it concealed.
Lastly, bear in mind that an IWB holster is designed and marketed as a "concealment holster".
I would suggest using a "concealment holster" could be deemed an attempt to skirt the law here.
Steve Aikens
Thank you for setting me straight. I appreciate you probably know more about how NM LEO's may see your chosen method of carry - from VA - than I do here in NM - working with them. Although those are the LEO's that will, and have, taken firearms carriers here to task - and the judge - for exactly that.
I'll do better research in the future.
Steve Aikens