Created equal yes, but it is personal choices that makes man in-equal. if man chooses to be un-educated in relation to his peers, he has made himself un-equal. both in intelligence, and in income. they will be doomed to poverty by their own hand.
a grown person who chooses to steal from someone has no value to the person they are stealing from, only value to the criminal element they can sell/trade the stolen items to. frankly, my dog has more value then any thief.
although I do wonder, if you advertise the fact the item likely to be stolen is" booby trapped" and that it may maim, harm, or otherwise kill said thief, and it is presented both visually and in audible form, with the ending words that unauthorized user assumes all responsibility for end results upon the theft/use of this item. would it then be legal?
this is a hypothetical, considering the guy in Iowa was also found guilty for booby trapping the house due to the fact he did not notify trespasser of said "booby trap".
also YOU place value on human life. I place value on life up until an adult, then I let your personal actions decide the value you are to assume. after all kids make mistakes, and grow and learn. sometimes they make the same mistakes in different ways. but by 21, they had better have damn well learned the lessons that crime doesn't pay, and only hurts people in the end.