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Is it legal to lace products that you're not sharing?


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
This thread was more a mental exercise.

If leaving poison secured in your space and someone steals it and dies, then how could you be held liable.


Oh and if someone could show any such law as requested at thr start.

Sent from my SM-G386T using Tapatalk

You're not thinking like a lizzurd today .. who needs poison to begin with?


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Copperheads - surely you remember them.

Water moccasins I have encountered ...

Anywho, call a .gov man to solve all your problems.

Only they know how to properly acquire, use, and dispose of poisons.

(that will be the argument -- a jury would eat this up -- juries are stupid)


Regular Member
Jan 19, 2015
Respectfully, your view of not placing intrinsic value on the life of a fellow human being is utter crap.

And your views of who contributes to society is the basis for eugenics and "euthanization" of the mentally or physically handicapped, the aged, and the infirm. Or at the very least, for the eugenics of forced sterilization.

I'm not enough of a saint that I don't react differently to an innocent man being hurt or killed than I do to a violent criminal getting the entirely predictable consequences of threatening others' life and limb. But at a philosophical, intellectual level, either we value human life intrinsically, or we start down some very dangerous roads.

Put another way, if we don't value the life of the non-violent criminal who breaks into our car, why should we expect the police, government, or our fellow citizens to place any value on the life of someone that a police officer claims is a violent criminal? If it is just about protecting the innocent, there comes a point where it is obvious the "suspect" isn't all that innocent.

No, we place value on human life because that is the only basis for our civilized society: all men are created equal. All men's lives have some intrinsic value. A man's life or limb are justly, morally removed from him only in reasonable need self defense of an innocent party or upon proper conviction for serious crimes.


Created equal yes, but it is personal choices that makes man in-equal. if man chooses to be un-educated in relation to his peers, he has made himself un-equal. both in intelligence, and in income. they will be doomed to poverty by their own hand.

a grown person who chooses to steal from someone has no value to the person they are stealing from, only value to the criminal element they can sell/trade the stolen items to. frankly, my dog has more value then any thief.

although I do wonder, if you advertise the fact the item likely to be stolen is" booby trapped" and that it may maim, harm, or otherwise kill said thief, and it is presented both visually and in audible form, with the ending words that unauthorized user assumes all responsibility for end results upon the theft/use of this item. would it then be legal?

this is a hypothetical, considering the guy in Iowa was also found guilty for booby trapping the house due to the fact he did not notify trespasser of said "booby trap".

also YOU place value on human life. I place value on life up until an adult, then I let your personal actions decide the value you are to assume. after all kids make mistakes, and grow and learn. sometimes they make the same mistakes in different ways. but by 21, they had better have damn well learned the lessons that crime doesn't pay, and only hurts people in the end.


May 1, 2016
That sentiment applies to anything. Car, saw, knife, etc etc.

Why should I not smile when they kill themselves on/with stolen goods?

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It does not apply to anything. Someone steals you car, crashes and dies, you are not charged with murder/manslaughter. Same as saw, knife, gun or anything.

But you poison an item you anticipate and expect will be stolen and consumed, which happens, and the criminal dies, you are guilty of murder and at least manslaughter. You will go to jail.



Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
Created equal yes, but it is personal choices that makes man in-equal. if man chooses to be un-educated in relation to his peers, he has made himself un-equal. both in intelligence, and in income. they will be doomed to poverty by their own hand.

a grown person who chooses to steal from someone has no value to the person they are stealing from, only value to the criminal element they can sell/trade the stolen items to. frankly, my dog has more value then any thief.

although I do wonder, if you advertise the fact the item likely to be stolen is" booby trapped" and that it may maim, harm, or otherwise kill said thief, and it is presented both visually and in audible form, with the ending words that unauthorized user assumes all responsibility for end results upon the theft/use of this item. would it then be legal?

this is a hypothetical, considering the guy in Iowa was also found guilty for booby trapping the house due to the fact he did not notify trespasser of said "booby trap".

also YOU place value on human life. I place value on life up until an adult, then I let your personal actions decide the value you are to assume. after all kids make mistakes, and grow and learn. sometimes they make the same mistakes in different ways. but by 21, they had better have damn well learned the lessons that crime doesn't pay, and only hurts people in the end.

Equality is equal right. I doubt that committing petty theft forfeits one's right to life. I don't think that we are qualified, nor do we have a right to be appraisers of human life.


Regular Member
Jan 19, 2015
Equality is equal right. I doubt that committing petty theft forfeits one's right to life. I don't think that we are qualified, nor do we have a right to be appraisers of human life.

but then nor do we have a right to appraise human life over other life.

I will be honest I have a bias on this topic due to having what was to be my primary summer mode of transportation to and from work stolen, and i'm still paying for the parts to fix it. which I shouldn't have had to do in the first place.

you have any idea how much fairings cost?

I say at least a few knee cap shots worth. maybe a removal of a hand or two. after all kinda hard to steal with no hands. or no ability to walk with any relative stability. Of course do to legality on this it could never happen with legal repercussion, but it sure would feel good, right up until the arrest, jail, court, and prosecution.

still doesn't answer the question of legality of an item being stolen that is advertised as booby trapped.
I mean who wouldn't want to see a theif fly 3 feet up from an airbag going off under their hindy parts?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
We must reduce the problem to its simpler parts. It comes down to we are not vigilantes, judge, jury, and executioner.

Neither can we condone others assuming that position.

Consider always Forum Rule #15.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
This discussion has become rather interesting. While I do not advocate poisoning cigarettes, boobytraps, etc. It does help to vent frustrations by discussing it.

My personal belief is that any harm that comes upon those who are committing a crime upon another, theft, breaking into homes, etc etc is justly deserved.

Such as that car rigged up for the movie stunt that some, @$$ decides to try to steel only to have it detonate through them, deserves what they get. I do not believe that the owner of the car should be liable, UNLESS they handed the keys over to the one who was in the detonated car.

Like offering sugar-free gummi bears to those who work in your office. You know, leaving a bowl of them by the coffee pot.

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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Strange things happen in life, so lets assume the thief is a healthy thief and therefore does not smoke however his Father or brother or even mom or all three happen to be smokers and the healthy thief decides to bring home some cigarettes for his smoking family members ( as I recall you said cigarettes are expensive $10).
So the thief brings home a nice $10 present for mom and Dad and Brother.. Thief will surely be arrested for stealing the $10 pack of cigarettes and whatever else thief may have stole, however the person responsible for lacing the stolen cigarettes will be tried for the death of three people...
Stranger things have happened... Please think before you act..
My .02


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust

My personal belief is that any harm that comes upon those who are committing a crime upon another, theft, breaking into homes, etc etc is justly deserved.

So you are putting toys in the playground attached to some claymores? Nize ... kid tries to steal it is going to be in for a big surprise. Rotten kid.
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Regular Member
Jan 19, 2015
Strange things happen in life, so lets assume the thief is a healthy thief and therefore does not smoke however his Father or brother or even mom or all three happen to be smokers and the healthy thief decides to bring home some cigarettes for his smoking family members ( as I recall you said cigarettes are expensive $10).
So the thief brings home a nice $10 present for mom and Dad and Brother.. Thief will surely be arrested for stealing the $10 pack of cigarettes and whatever else thief may have stole, however the person responsible for lacing the stolen cigarettes will be tried for the death of three people...
Stranger things have happened... Please think before you act..
My .02

what if the cigarettes are labeled as "contains lethal dose of cyanide" likely where the surgeon general warning is. could he then be held liable ?

also, to the above post, I would say claymore is a little overkill.. maybe a nice electric jolt, similar to the shock buzzers found at prank shops would suffice.. or may make the toy more enjoyable.. kids are weird.
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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
what if the cigarettes are labeled as "contains lethal dose of cyanide" likely where the surgeon general warning is. could he then be held liable ?

also, to the above post, I would say claymore is a little overkill.. maybe a nice electric jolt, similar to the shock buzzers found at prank shops would suffice.. or may make the toy more enjoyable.. kids are weird.

Prosecutors aggressively prosecute for totally victimless crimes every day, I don't think they'd decline to prosecute (or give up on prosecution) here when there is a death involved just because he put a "warning label" on the box. You could probably put up a giant neon glowing warning sign, make them sign a waiver, and have a speaker on loop warning that "use of these cigarettes will result in death!" and still be prosecuted.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
Prosecutors aggressively prosecute for totally victimless crimes every day, I don't think they'd decline to prosecute (or give up on prosecution) here when there is a death involved just because he put a "warning label" on the box. You could probably put up a giant neon glowing warning sign, make them sign a waiver, and have a speaker on loop warning that "use of these cigarettes will result in death!" and still be prosecuted.
It is scary, but I believe you're correct.

Sent from my SM-G386T using Tapatalk


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
what if the cigarettes are labeled as "contains lethal dose of cyanide" likely where the surgeon general warning is. could he then be held liable ?

also, to the above post, I would say claymore is a little overkill.. maybe a nice electric jolt, similar to the shock buzzers found at prank shops would suffice.. or may make the toy more enjoyable.. kids are weird.


Doctors recommend smoking ! ^^

And more doctors smoke Camels than any other brand.

[Disclaimer: poster was not paid to post this post]
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