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Iowa SF 165


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2009
Linn County, Iowa, USA
I saw something on the news tonight about Iowa's legislature considering removing the requirement to have a permit to carry the tools of self defense. A bit of searching the internet didn't tell me much of the chances of it becoming law. Any thoughts on this? Anyone do some analysis on the voting records of legislators on how the votes might turn out?

Mostly I'm posting this to start discussion on this bill, specifically what we all can do to see this get passed into law and it's chances it might pass.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
First, ‘saw on the news?’ I’m sure that venue provided a balanced perspective! [which news - eh nevermind!]

Second, here is the link to the ‘proposed’ text to IA SF 165 ~ A bill for an act relating to carrying and possessing weapons and acquiring pistols and revolvers, providing penalties, and including applicability provisions.
[title itself is already a bit worrisome...gets worse]

‘if a child used the knife...’
‘Use of knife in...’
‘...weapons are carried in connection w/person’s duties...correction officer...’
‘...unloaded pistol, revoler, or other dangerous weapon ...’
As of july 1 2019, the state shall no longer issue a permit to acquire .’
‘...acquire from a FFL..to have a valid permit to carry weapns issued...’

[Does the term ‘YOU’RE HOSED’ begin to sink in?]

Had to quit reading as i was about to throw up and oh, did not compare new with existing

Remaining discusses permit criteria, knive nonsense and goes more in depth on how to diplomatically ‘screw’ Iowans so they look forward to the event.

As mentioned, i am sure the newspeek perspective was quite the rosy outlook for a brighter and safer Iowa!


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2009
Linn County, Iowa, USA
I saw more on the news tonight (KFXA if it matters) and the governor was quoted on saying she does not support the bill, which is disappointing.

I will say that the bill is quite confusing on what it does because it's been stripped of context from seeing all the other sections it references and the other parts of relevant law that remain unchanged. As I understand it the permit to acquire goes away but the permit to carry continues to allow a "shortcut" through buying from FFLs as it is proof of having passed a background check.

I expect the bill will undergo edits in the process so I didn't spend too much time trying to figure out what's in it. I'll probably look again after it's out of committee and being debated in the Senate.


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2009
Linn County, Iowa, USA

On February 21st, the Iowa state House Public Safety Committee passed House Joint Resolution 3 by a vote of 11-10 to propose an amendment to the state Constitution affirming and recognizing the right of Iowans’ to keep and bear arms as a fundamental individual right. HJR 3 will now go to the House floor for consideration.

This is obviously not the same bill as SF 165 which started this thread, it is a bill that would open the permit to carry to constitutional challenge.