Regular Member
Hi All,
I've been lurking around here in the shadows for a few months now off and on just taking it all in. There is a lot of good information and ya'll seem like a level headed fun bunch!
So short story, got my first gun (single shot .22 chipmunk) when I was 10 and have been a safe, responsible gun owner since then. (Bout 20 years....) I've been in Spokane for about 5 years now and have had my CPL for about 4 of those and have been CC'ing the whole time. I started getting interested in OC about a year or so ago after a few years of trying to find a good CC weapon. Currently its a XD-40 Subcompact, but its still a pain to CC in the summer so that's what got me interested in OC cause all summer I'd leave my weapon at home and in the back of my mind I just kept wondering what good it would do me at home if I needed it now..... I've successfully OC'd here at a few restaurants this winter and it didn't feel as "awkward" as I thought it would. (Temps are still 10-40 here so for me its all pretty much CC under a jacket right now unless sitting down at a restaurant...) This spring I'll be looking for more of a full-size carry weapon with better holster options.
Well anyway just wanted to say Hi to all and thanks for the info/knowledge I've taken in from you thus far!
P.S. I think there's a few of ya'll in Spokane, anyone here meet up like those on the other side of the mountains?
I've been lurking around here in the shadows for a few months now off and on just taking it all in. There is a lot of good information and ya'll seem like a level headed fun bunch!
So short story, got my first gun (single shot .22 chipmunk) when I was 10 and have been a safe, responsible gun owner since then. (Bout 20 years....) I've been in Spokane for about 5 years now and have had my CPL for about 4 of those and have been CC'ing the whole time. I started getting interested in OC about a year or so ago after a few years of trying to find a good CC weapon. Currently its a XD-40 Subcompact, but its still a pain to CC in the summer so that's what got me interested in OC cause all summer I'd leave my weapon at home and in the back of my mind I just kept wondering what good it would do me at home if I needed it now..... I've successfully OC'd here at a few restaurants this winter and it didn't feel as "awkward" as I thought it would. (Temps are still 10-40 here so for me its all pretty much CC under a jacket right now unless sitting down at a restaurant...) This spring I'll be looking for more of a full-size carry weapon with better holster options.
Well anyway just wanted to say Hi to all and thanks for the info/knowledge I've taken in from you thus far!
P.S. I think there's a few of ya'll in Spokane, anyone here meet up like those on the other side of the mountains?