The G17 and G19 are both great firearms. However, if you have the 17 you really shouldn't need the 19 that badly. So instead of putting time and effort into finding a G19 that replicates what you already have try and get a G17 Sub-2000. They use the same magazines (thus why it is a "G17" sub2k) and once the panic ends you should be able to get a new one for about $200 less than a G19 ($300-$350). Most importantly though, they are a lot of fun. The fun aspect is hard to explain. Just suffice it to say I have never heard of anyone who bought one that didn't come back from their first time at the range with it who didn't say that it was one of the funnest guns they ever shot. Personally, it is easily my favorite to shoot and I have a bunch of other guns that other people generally consider quite fun.