Regular Member
I OC here in Arizona over 90% of the time. Try it, you'll like it! Most folks don't even notice.
Is this attire acceptable?I open carried a smaller .380 when I first started as a means of getting the family used to it. Later I moved up to a full-sized. It doesn't hurt to dress nicely either, don't look like a slob.
Although I didn't feel the need personally, if you really want to incrementally transition from concealed to open carry, you can start with an inside the waistband holster (so only the grip is exposed) and move on from there.
I don't think gutshot likes it when his picture is posted...Is this attire acceptable?
I don't think gutshot likes it when his picture is posted...
It takes a big hat to cover that head properly...:lol:
I open carried a smaller .380 when I first started as a means of getting the family used to it. Later I moved up to a full-sized. It doesn't hurt to dress nicely either, don't look like a slob.
Other than military, perfectly polished shoes usually gives me doubt as to the persons sincerity.Maybe we should all submit our picture to you and you can vet us all and determine which of us is acceptable to OC and which have been rejected. I am now concerned that my 50+ years of OC may have been injurious to "the movement" (which wasn't a movement when I started, just normal carry) because I may not have been dressing neatly enough. I used to wear "overhauls" and brogan work shoes when I worked on my father's farm. Would that be neat enough for your consent to OC? Oh no! I just realized my shoes are not shined, I'd better get to work.
I open carried a smaller .380 when I first started as a means of getting the family used to it. Later I moved up to a full-sized. It doesn't hurt to dress nicely either, don't look like a slob.
I open carried a smaller .380 when I first started as a means of getting the family used to it. Later I moved up to a full-sized. It doesn't hurt to dress nicely either, don't look like GutShot.
There I fixed it for you! Happy now?
A lot depends one where you are standing when you say that....and where you are looking.....:lol:gutshot II is on the left.....
A lot depends one where you are standing when you say that....and where you are looking.....:lol:
No, not fixed yet. Here, let me help you read it. It's gutshot II. The Roman numeral II and lower case. No ugly upper case letters in my name, please. Believe me, many, many men would love to dress as well and look as good as gutshot II. Most are in awe of the very presence of my splendor.
OC4me, you seem to be one of those "do it my way or you're wrong" types. I think I'll do it my way and let everybody else do it however they please. I don't care how anybody looks or how anybody dresses. I just want them to OC.