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I carry?! Why I does?


Regular Member
Jul 13, 2012
Colorado springs
Why I does carry sidearm?

In the past 5 years at work and at home.

I have had 4 swat suburbans drop by work because we ruined their plans at a quiet nab of 2 guys wanted for armed robbery, breaking and entry, home invasion etc etc. needless to say we had swatteams storm our castle and tell everybody to get on the ground. I start laughing. It ended well.

Multiple beatings in and out and around the area.

Crazy people.

Druggies (the ones who get so high they become dangerous.)

Drunks the dangerous kind.

A murder across the street.

People asking for money/phone/food/drink/help with gas etc at 11-12 pm as I get in my car and are eyeing my truck and or me as they ask. And a buddy of theirs walks out around to my blind side.

Asking me as I get in my truck whole loading it at 11-12 pm if it's mine. As a buddy walks to my blind side.

Death threats over cigarets etc because I denied them for one reason or another.

Random threats from thieves. (a 17ish year old *pulled a knife on me over gummy bears he was stealing. Ended that with a kick to the head)

Threats of bodily harm for various reasons.
Have seen a couple of stabbings.

A few robberies at work (I was in 2 of them)

Stopped a stabbing at a 7/11. pulled my sidearm and yelled something to the effect of "don't make me shoot you" all 3 ran including the victim. They had pulled a knife and one said "kill him" that's when I pulled it out.

At home I have pulled my sidearm on a guy trying to climb our fence to the backyard at 11-12 at night.

My land rover I had bought from my brother was being vandalized by somebody on a regular basis. Between 8 and 10k in damages.

There's more I have been in I'm just to lazy to put them all down.
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Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
1. Move somewhere else.

2. Quit going to known dangerous locations.

3. Move somewhere else.

I'm sixty-eight years old and in my entire life I've only been in five situations where my life was threatened and I drew a weapon. In none of those situations did I have to fire. I've been in a situation where I had serious doubts as to what the intentions were of the other person. Found out they were crazier than the proverbial outhouse mouse. Still did not have to fire.

You're in the wrong neighborhood and, from what I could tell from your post, in the wrong line of work.


Regular Member
Apr 25, 2012
I do too but have had none of that. Hope you carry more than one.


Regular Member
Jul 13, 2012
Colorado springs
Does not help I can't find a real job other than working at a pharmacy photo lab.

I normally have a s&w camed knife on me while at work. Most confrontations are ended when I put my hand in my pocket and bring the butt of the knife out. Others are ended by giving a choice of me calling the cops or leave followed by me saying "by the way I allready called them"
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Regular Member
Apr 21, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
1. Move somewhere else.

2. Quit going to known dangerous locations.

3. Move somewhere else.

I'm sixty-eight years old and in my entire life I've only been in five situations where my life was threatened and I drew a weapon. In none of those situations did I have to fire. I've been in a situation where I had serious doubts as to what the intentions were of the other person. Found out they were crazier than the proverbial outhouse mouse. Still did not have to fire.

You're in the wrong neighborhood and, from what I could tell from your post, in the wrong line of work.

1. I'm so glad you have the money and no social connections to just up and move.

2. SUBJECTIVE (placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.)

3. . . .
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Fuller Malarkey

Regular Member
Sep 12, 2010
The Cadre
1. Move somewhere else.

2. Quit going to known dangerous locations.

3. Move somewhere else.

I'm sixty-eight years old and in my entire life I've only been in five situations where my life was threatened and I drew a weapon. In none of those situations did I have to fire. I've been in a situation where I had serious doubts as to what the intentions were of the other person. Found out they were crazier than the proverbial outhouse mouse. Still did not have to fire.

You're in the wrong neighborhood and, from what I could tell from your post, in the wrong line of work.


Life's too short to be livin' like an Apocalypse Now remake. Whatever it costs to relocate, you'll recover the costs quick enough through ammo and bandage savings. Downtown Beirut sounds like it might be an improvement, and probably affordable, if ya don't mind stepping over a little bomb blast rubble. Heck, maybe J4L needs a faithful companion, maybe hook up and try a kind of "Quick Draw & Baba Louey" team.


Regular Member
Jul 13, 2012
Colorado springs
The problem is money.

Another thing is securing a new job.

How does one secure a new job in a place you know nothing about and know nobody there? If you have little money how do you secure the money required to move? Do I go thousands into debt to get there based on a hope? Some of this crap I posted can be looked up on the Internet. I didn't post for approval or anything like that just for referances when asked why I carry. I also put in sarcasm in the title and beginning of the thread. But not all of us are as lucky as you guys to be able to work in a paradise such as you do. Or have money to just up and quit their current job and move based on a hope for a better job.
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Fuller Malarkey

Regular Member
Sep 12, 2010
The Cadre
The problem is money.

Another thing is securing a new job.

How does one secure a new job in a place you know nothing about and know nobody there? If you have little money how do you secure the money required to move? Do I go thousands into debt to get there based on a hope? Some of this crap I posted can be looked up on the Internet. I didn't post for approval or anything like that just for referances when asked why I carry. I also put in sarcasm in the title and beginning of the thread. But not all of us are as lucky as you guys to be able to work in a paradise such as you do. Or have money to just up and quit their current job and move based on a hope for a better job.

Dude, by your description, the odds are not in your favor of living to collect your next paycheck. Sometimes we just have to confront that fear of the unknown and take that risk of moving beyond what we are familiar with.

If you don't take the risks and initiative to make changes, nothing ever will change.

“In a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.”

You are not finding ways out, because you are too busy clinging to reasons to stay. Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, you got limitations.

Come in here asking "How do I...." rather than "This is why I can't....".....and watch your options change.

Every fall, millions of waterfowl migrate from Canada to Mexico. I wonder how many ducks remain behind, arms crossed, teeth clenched, squawking about not going because they don't know what's on the other end. The sky gets black sometimes from those that trust and go. It's like nature provides for them or something.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
The problem is money.

Another thing is securing a new job.

How does one secure a new job in a place you know nothing about and know nobody there? If you have little money how do you secure the money required to move? Do I go thousands into debt to get there based on a hope? Some of this crap I posted can be looked up on the Internet. I didn't post for approval or anything like that just for referances when asked why I carry. I also put in sarcasm in the title and beginning of the thread. But not all of us are as lucky as you guys to be able to work in a paradise such as you do. Or have money to just up and quit their current job and move based on a hope for a better job.

OK, we have all heard this lecture before, but it seems it is time to trot it out again.

You are stuck in your deadend job in a deadend neighborhood because you are waiting for someone else to come along and make it all better.

Yes, sometimes you need to stay there a bit longer while you carry out your plans for getting out of there. Sometimes you need to stay at the deadend job a little longer even after you have found a less-unsafe place to live. Commuting into and out of Thunderdome is beter than living there 24/7.

If you have a deadend job because you have no skills for a better one then you probably know what the answer is. If you want to, you can find the ways and means of getting those skills. With the economy as deep in the tank as it is you might (emphasis might, not certainty will) end up being a skilled unemployed/ underemployed person who has to hold on to an otherwise deadend job just to get by.

If I gave you enough money to move and live on (very modestly, but not starving) for three months, what would you do? (Yes, I know the economy sucks and that there are folks out there who have been out of work for over two years. I also know folks with trades skills or actual, usable college education that are working anywhere between one and three manual labor jobs because that's what is available.) So - what would you do?

Don't think this is just a theoretical exercise. I have the means and have been known to do crazy stuff like this before just to see what someone could/would do. (amd for the rest of you moochers - NO, I will not finance your way out of a life of poverty and suck. Go see George Soros or Warren Buffet or Steve Jobs. (Oops, that last guy is dead, isn't he. Guess you'll need to find a differnt sugardaddy.)

Circling back to the original issue of why you carry - it all makes sense to me. It ought to make sense to anybody else.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Glad I have the money and no social connections? I'm retired U.S.Army, living on a small fixed income, and you wouldn't believe the social connections I have, both of my own and through my wife. For what it is worth, not all of my social connections are in this country, either.

Several times in my life, I have been forced by circumstances to pick up and move to another location, usually without a whole lot of money and once or twice with no job prospects in sight. One of those times, the economy was almost as bad as it is now. I managed to move, find work, and survive.

I've told many young people recently that, if they cannot find a job in this country, they need to look into becoming an expatriate if just for long enough to get back on their feet. Most overseas employers will pay for your travel and living expenses such as rent and utilities. Don't have any skills? Find a way to get some training. Again, some overseas employers will get you the necessary training if they are hurting for employees.

I happen to know that, if you have a bachelor's degree and enough common sense to teach, that China is begging for English teachers. In some cases, they will even waive the degree requirement. China is not the only country doing that, btw. You have that advantage right there in that you already speak, read, and write one of the most difficult languages to learn in the entire world: English.

Bottom line: You don't like your job and you are in a dangerous neighborhood? Get off your biblical beast of burden and do something about it!! No one else is going to fix it for you so it is up to you. Isn't that one of the reasons we carry a firearm? So that we do not have to depend on someone else for our, or our family's, safety? So, apply that same logic to your situation and get moving.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
A few robberies at work (I was in 2 of them)
.....uh, I'd reword this if I were you.

Not sure what part of Colorado you live in, I don't know much about Colorado other that what I have flown over, but it sounds like you are living in Detroit. Is there a "Detroit" in Colorado?


Regular Member
Jan 6, 2011
.....uh, I'd reword this if I were you.

Not sure what part of Colorado you live in, I don't know much about Colorado other that what I have flown over, but it sounds like you are living in Detroit. Is there a "Detroit" in Colorado?

Detriot/Miami/NYC/New Orleans arent the only places, or kinds of places where things can get ugly. Heck, I live in the sticks well outside of a major city, where nothing normally happens, but we still get more than our share of dangerous crap from folks. Crime, and criminals are by no means limited to this/that or the other environs.

That aside, Im not going to bash the OP for his situation. I've been there a few times myself, and the way this economy is these days- could easily find myself in the same rut for a while,as well. Few (working) folks in here can honestly say they dont face the same possible fate themselves.

Whether the OP lacks the confidence or the willingness to seek options, is on him-not my place to judge it, as I dont know him or his character, or personal situations.
I will, however, offer a slightly different, positive, option for the OP to try for himself if he likes. Not exactly the same thing,but something along these lines:

About a yr. ago, I was seeking a few items in stores, and not too pleased with what I was finding, for the $$ being asked. Namely a knife, a sheath for it, and leather holster for my rather obscure pistol. One day I decided, screw it-I;'ll get the raw materials, and take a stab at making my own.
So, I did. 1st attempts were dismal failures, seeing as I had exactly ZERO skills or experience at any of this, but I tried again, and managed to nail things down pretty well. Some friends/family/neighbors saw the things I'd made, and asked if they could have some too, and would be willing to pay $X amount for me to make it for them.
Hmm. Id not considered this before at all. I'd made my things entirely for myself, and for my own needs/wants. But, ok sure.
So I did.
Those folks whom I'd made things for, showed other folks, and those folks began calling/writing asking for some as well, and things just snow-balled from there.
Within 6 months I had enough of these side-projects (in addition to my "day job") that I often had 2 or 3 projects on the bench at once-every day- and had to set aside making some things for myself.

Now, a yr later, I'm custom-making everything from knives, sheaths, holsters, belts, wallets, camera-bags, to furniture and custom-built and re-built electric guitars.
Granted, not all of this is profitable enough- (yet, im planning to reverse that over this coming yr.) to live on by itself. But it makes for a lot of extra money I'd not have otherwise had. And I enjoy the hell out of doing it.
More than a few fellow forum members have commisioned some items for me to make, as well. Ive not spent a single dime on advertising-everything has been by word-of-mouth.
Raw materials and tools for these projects are low-enough $$ that one can profit quiet well. Thus far, I've kept prices somewhat lower than many say I should charge, but this is because I want things to be affordable for folks to actually get, and to expand my range of things I can offer.

If biz continues to pick up at the pace that it is, I plan to soon hire on the son of a buddy of mine as an assistant/apprentice, to help out with some of the bigger projects. Bright kid this one, he built his entire bedroom furniture set -bed/dresser/desk and chair/night stand and entertainment center, himself- from scratch. And did quiet well at it,. so... perhaps I can pass a good thing along, and help out another,no?

So, even if you can locate some other dream job somewhere in La-La land as some suggest, perhaps you can make use of a skill you have,but dont fully realize yet, or can acquire reasonably easily, you can come up with something like this for yourself as well.

Will that change the nature of criminally-inclined folks, no matter where you end up? No, of course not. So do what you gotta do/can do/ are willing do, and prep yourself as best you can for those things beyond your control.
Enjoy. and best of luck to you.


Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
Heck, maybe J4L needs a faithful companion, maybe hook up and try a kind of "Quick Draw & Baba Louey" team.

lol, as I was reading this I face palmed and thought maybe J4L made another account, but the lack of .45 being mentioned leads me to believe that OP is legit.

I always try to avoid gas stations at night time for the reasons you've listed before. It's bad enough being forced to drive home at 1am unarmed because firearms aren't allowed on military bases, it's even worse that being in uniform is like having a big UNARMED neon sign over your head.

OP what is your everyday carry?

if he says a .45 i'm giving him a 10/10, him being J4L


Regular Member
Jul 13, 2012
Colorado springs
It was a s&w m&p .40. .40 is to snappy and hurts my wrist. My wrist does not move right. I now have an auto ord 1911a1. It's not as snappy and hurts way less than a .40. I always wanted a 1911. $500 for a American 1911 I jumped at it. Also a $26 dollar gift card helped.




I have had my current sidearm. for a few weeks maybe 100 rounds through it as of now. I hyper extended my wrist awhile ago and never went to the hospital to get it looked at. Now my wrist does not move right. Snaps cracks etc and moves my entire arm when I move my wrist. Kinda like it climbs over a bump and then falls off said bump.
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Regular Member
Apr 21, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
firearms aren't allowed on military bases

I've always found this to be horribly funny (ironic). I mean come on its a MILITARY BASE for goodness sake where else would we keep the guns?

and yes I know that is not what they mean when they say "no firearms"
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Regular Member
Jul 13, 2012
Colorado springs
It is nice. I'm thinking of sending it back as the frame has flaws around the trigger guard and around the grip safety and spring housing and the Parker looks as if improperly applied as its wearing off fare to easily.


Regular Member
Jan 6, 2011
lol, as I was reading this I face palmed and thought maybe J4L made another account, but the lack of .45 being mentioned leads me to believe that OP is legit.

I always try to avoid gas stations at night time for the reasons you've listed before. It's bad enough being forced to drive home at 1am unarmed because firearms aren't allowed on military bases, it's even worse that being in uniform is like having a big UNARMED neon sign over your head.

OP what is your everyday carry?

if he says a .45 i'm giving him a 10/10, him being J4L

It shouldnt be too much of a worry for you, after all Mommy is less than likely to let you outside at 1am anyway.