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Here’s Some Devastating News For Gun Grabbers!


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2009
, Kentucky, USA
A little heralded Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy study holds some devastating news for those who are trying to take guns from America’s population.

Here are the facts the study found.

The overall message of the report is that nations with private gun ownership have less crime.

In the period from 1991 to 2011, gun ownership rose steadily; murders by guns fell 39%; and firearms-related crimes dropped 69%.

The nine European countries with the fewest guns have a combined murder rate three times higher than the nine European countries with the most guns in private hands.

With rare exceptions, since 1950, mass shootings have virtually always occurred in states with restrictive gun ownership laws. Moreover, despite very strict laws against private gun ownership, three of the worst recorded school shootings have happened in Europe.

Contrary to liberal lies, while America leads the world in private gun ownership, we are just 28th in gun murders per 100,000 people.

From 1991 to 2011, America’s overall violent crime rate and our murder rate both fell by half, a remarkable feat by any measure.

On average, 200,000 American women protect themselves from sexual attacks each year using guns.

By a ratio of 80 to 1, Americans use guns for crime prevention rather than to commit murders.

During the period studied (1991 to 2011), deaths by accidental discharges of firearms fell 58%.

Much to the contrary of liberal lies, the UK’s violent crime rate is 4 times higher than ours; and their rape rate is 125% higher than ours. The UK also has 133% more assaults than we do.

After plunging into extreme gun-banning, Australia has experienced a 19% increase in murders and an increase of 69% in armed robberies.

Despite passing increasingly more restrictive gun control laws, Chicago’s homicide rate jumped 17% last year. And by many measures, it’s the most deadly city in the world.

Over 23 years, following its implementation of a law requiring each household to have a gun, Kennesaw, Georgia saw its overall crime rate drop by 50% and its burglary rate fall by 89%.




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Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
I rarely read such information .. mainly because its irrelevant ... there could be 1000 killings a day ... the 2nd & 9th amendments still mean what they mean.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Nevertheless it is good to have such data available to hold up for the fence sitters, media, and politicians to see.

It isn't all about our opinion/belief - more to the point of increasing public awareness of the facts = guns in the hands of responsible people really do save lives.

Short version/same message = Guns SAVE Lives.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
Contrary to liberal lies, while America leads the world in private gun ownership, we are just 28th in gun murders per 100,000 people.

I can't help but wonder what those stats would be if you subtracted murder by urban minorities.


New member
Apr 11, 2013
I can't help but wonder how more improve the American statistics would be if Chicago's numbers were not included.


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2009
, Kentucky, USA
I can't help but wonder how more improve the American statistics would be if Chicago's numbers were not included.

Well, it's funny you should ask that question nd I wish I had the link to the info that I read about 2 or 3 weeks back but it went like this.

Supposedly if we remove Chicago, New York and Washington D.C. from the stats, it would drop America to forth from the bottom of countries with high death rates.