My wife and I have been making more trips into Washington lately for company business. We would like to apply for a Washington CHL, as Oregon residents.
Is this possible and what advise does anyone have?
As a nonresident, you can apply at any sheriffs' office. You must not be a prohibited person. Tat is it. Give them your application form filled out, $52.25 (cash prefered for quick turn) they take you finger prints electronically, and mail you the license. That is choice on their part.
Now, I am not sure how this would work, but I asked about doing it through the mail and was told (Okanogan County) you can do everything through the mail except the fingerprints and signing the application, but it won't get anything done any faster. App only takes 10 or 15 in Okanogan County you walk in during business hours, ask for an app, fill it out, give them their money (exact cash prefered) get you fingerprints taken on their little electronic scanner and you are out the door...15 min MAX, In the mail the next day.
They have 60 days for a non resident permit, but most counties take a lot less time then that. I would expect an OKanogan couty app to take a week at the most (USPS will be the holdup), I hear Kitsap county is also good, but you can apply at any sheriff's office.. some make it a priority to get all the apps done as quickly as possible, some will drag their feet,
In the meantme, read RCW 9.41.050, 9.41.060...Heck read all of RCW 9.41...and pay particular attention to those two and RCW 9.41.270 and .300. All local governments must play the same game by the same rules...there is no ORS 166.173 equivilant in WA. Open Carry is well accepted, I have OC'd since 1970 and have never had a problem.
The one problem WA does have is that if you are in a vehicle, and do not have a CPL (or recognized equivilent) your weapon must be unloaded unless you meet an execption in RCW 9.41.060. Unlike Oregon where, only licensed hunting and fishing are WA
any outdoor recreational activity gives you an exemption and you may carry loaded, or unloaded, cocealed or openly, going to, coming from and participating in an outdoor recreational activity, no license required...RCW 9.41.060(8)
Even with a CPL, you can never have a loaded long gun (rifle or shotgun) "in or on" a vehicle (RCW 77 F&W anti poaching rules)