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Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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Sorry to post without every little detail, but there was an incident yesterday in King County , Washington State (I think it was on the Seatlle subway) wherein a 15 year old girl was attacked and beaten by hoodlums while the (unarmed) "security guards" stood by and did nothing - NOTHING! - except dial 911; until things got so out of hand that one guard intervened.

From what I am able to understand, the guards in this particular place had been armed and given arrest powers, but the guns and police powers were taken away some time ago becuse of liability concerns. Their instructions were to not intervene but to "summon help", using their scary cell phones (shades of Charlie's Angels, Drew Barrymore and walkie-talkies instead of guns!). I am given to understnd that the guard who did intervene is in trouble.

At least this "designated cop-caller" responded. The sheeple just stood around and gawked, every one of them scared to interfere with the hooodlums.

Truth be told, I don't think deploying a firearm would have been appropriate in this situation. But from what I saw on the video, that girl could have been raped right in front of the guards and everybody with the same result : namely the injury already having been done by the time "the authorities" got there. Video cameras and witnesses can put a perp in jail, but they CANNOT STOP AN ATTACK AND THE DAMAGE WILL BE DONE. You cannot un-beat, you cannot un-rape and you sure as hell cannot un-murder.

There are certain situations which I am fond of saying that "I pay the police to deal with that". Big brawny boys kicking the crap out of a young girl, however, is a situation which (IMHO) ALL citizens are duty-bound to intervene in. Expressing opprobriun and dialling 911 will not do the victim one bit of good, in fact the attackers will be alerted that they have a minute or two to do their thing.

What Washington State needs to learn is that the solution is NOT to disarm "guards" and designate them as "cop-callers": but rather to promote the idea that the citizenry is the ultimate posse comitatus. The citizenry needs to learn this, also.


Regular Member
Apr 7, 2009
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That, and the incident in Fla. where the girl presented over 70 pages of threatning e-mails and still couldn't get a restraining order from the judge; because he(judge) didn't think that constituted stalking. I mean why are we paying, let alone putting upwith shoddy service from these useless civil servants?


Regular Member
Jul 12, 2007
God's Country, Missouri
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You guys wouldn't like it in Britain very much.

This single subway incident is a way of life there. Myleene Klass (some British movie star) saw some hoodlums outside her window so she waved a kitchen knife at them in order to frighten them off.

The "Bobbies" showed up and reprimanded her for threatening violence!

Don't protect yourself! You might hurt some poor violent felon trying to kill you! Can't just go around frightening those poor criminals! Why, some rapist might get hurt!

It's the same old story when pizza deliverers get fired when they save their life with a firearm.

"Dammit, Steve! Why'd you go and shoot those guys trying to kill you? Don't you know you're supposed to get shot and die meekly when you get robbed? It's against company policy to defend yourself. I'm afraid, since you went and saved your life, we're going to have tofire you. Just the way it is, Steve. Either the muggers terminate you, or we do. You've made your choice."

Typical perp as victim mentality.

Task Force 16

Campaign Veteran
Jul 20, 2008
Lobelville, Tennessee, USA
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Had there been some good 'ol country boys from rural USA in that subway, those hoodlums would have had their asses handed to 'em real fast.

Where and when I was a teen there was a steadfast rule. "NEVER HIT A GIRL" We could pick at 'em, pester 'em, and generally annoy the crap out of 'em, but we knew better than the hit one. That was a good way to get a serious dose of country chivalry administered to you.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
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I grew up in WV, lived in VA for 15 years, and currently live in NC. That's the way we see things in ALL those states...

Only cowards and punks hit a girl.

Task Force 16

Campaign Veteran
Jul 20, 2008
Lobelville, Tennessee, USA
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It's this kind of "no intervention policy" that allows gang violence to flourish. What's the use in having "security guards" if they can't enforce security? It's a waste of money to have them under rules like this. They're useless as teats on a bore hog.

You have to wonder what sort of mentality people have (generally speaking)in the big cities. It certainly isn't the same as those of us that live in the rural areas and smaller towns. Armed or not, people that don't live in the city will step up when they see something like this occurring.


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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Thanks for the vidlink, Marlboro. How completely appalling. And the official reaction? What else? Arglebargle about "looking into" changing a patently stupid policy.

Know what is REALLY stupid about this "no intrvention" business? There were private citizens standing there who obviously wanted to help, but who were inhibited by the fact that the clearly identifiable representatives of the government were doing nothing.

That makes these officially inert guards WORSE THAN USELESS, literally.

Old Grump

Regular Member
Jan 22, 2010
Blue River, Wisconsin, USA
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Wasn't their 15 year old daughter getting stomped on by 3 male adults and another teenage girl. Not their problem. Yet.

Corporate cowardice in large part instituted by liberal judges and juries who always find the person with the deeper pockets wrong and liable for the stupidity and illegal actions of others. March 13, 1964, Kitty Genovese was stabbed on the streets of New York and nobody helped, nobody called the police, some even closed their windows so they didn't have to listen to her screams and cries for help. We haven't progressed very far and personally I think with LBJ's "Great Society" program we slid back a long ways.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2008
Lansing, Michigan, USA
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I was a high school senior in 1983 when to of the football scum err players kicked over a girl WHO WAS CONFINED TO A WHEELCHAIR the impotents err teachers stood by and DID NOTHING. after all they were football scum darn can't get that right I mean players so I stepped up and tossed them a beating they won't ever forget, so I wind up in the principles office and get this lecture about the sports players having special rights, and I should not interfere in their activity they called my dad at the shop ( this meant a strapping didn't matter if I was 18 or 800) got in trouble for carrying a club, did not care. The girls Dad was a attorney at a huge law firm when he got there heads rolled and no one touched her again.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2009
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i gotta agree. what's the point wasting money on security guards that aren't allowed to do anything. might as well not have them, save money not having to pay them, and hope that one of the citizens walking by calls the cops.

and as far as hitting a girl, that should be plenty reason for somebody to jump in and help her out.

@ Dreamer---the american definition and german definition of "punk" must be different. because i grew up on the streets with the punks (steel toe, chains, black bomber jackets, mohawks, etc..etc..) and while we had our issues, we had a certain amount of respect and decency. I remember 2 incidents where we stood up for others. one time was an older guy being beating in a subway and stepped in and drove his attackers off and helped him, and the other time a young girl was getting a beating from a bouncer because she was "harassing" people for some change so she could eat. we threw the bouncer a beating and then all pitched in with what little we had to get her something to eat.

personally if i saw somebody beating on a girl, i'd have to step up no matter what the consequences. but i do have to agree............part of the reason that people nowadays don't step up anymore is because the ones trying to help get in trouble and the criminals walk.

i remember years ago reading somewhere about a cab driver that pinned a bank robber to the wall with his car until the cops came, and when the cops showed up the cops arrested the cab driver and the robber sued him for breaking both of his legs.

yeah.........if you can't even trust the legal system, then why would anybody risk helping somebody they don't know???


State Researcher
Aug 15, 2007
Olympia, WA, ,
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I was OCing in the bus tunnel in Seattle once (not really a subway, just a tunnel that runs about a mile under downtown for bus and light rail, keeps them off of busy streets) and somebody went whining to the "security" guards. They looked at me, got on their magic radios, and left me alone.