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Gun Show


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2009
Erlanger;Boone county side, Kentucky, USA
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That's an interesting question because while the fairgrounds are the same as a public park, the gunshow is a private enterprise.

I carry at the Boone County fairgrounds all the time. But never during a gunshow. Of course, they don't have gun shows at the Boone County faigrounds.

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
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I don't have a cite for this, but at least four different gunshow promoters have told me over the years that in order to get insurance coverage, they must stipulate that no loaded firearms will be allowed in the show, except by sworn, on-duty law enforcement officers, or words to that affect. (I doubt they all made up the same exact lie for my benefit, but I've never seen those insurance policies with my own eyes either, in all fairness.) What most shows will let you do is carry your empty, probably zip tied firearms in.


Regular Member
Jul 20, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky, USA
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The gun shows held in downtown Lexington will ask that you declare all your firearms at the door, and they will verify it is unloaded, and put it in an unusable condition with a plastic strap. You probably wouldn't be able to holster it afterwards.

I find it ironic that some gun stores, like Antique & Modern, don't allow loaded firearms in their store for "safety" reasons. One would think, of all places in Lexington, a gun store would allow a loaded firearm. It's not like someone is going to come in and hold up the place with a gun. You'd have to be stupid to do that.


Regular Member
Jan 23, 2009
Louisville, Commonwealth of Kentucky, , USA
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Statesman wrote:
The gun shows held in downtown Lexington will ask that you declare all your firearms at the door, and they will verify it is unloaded, and put it in an unusable condition with a plastic strap. You probably wouldn't be able to holster it afterwards.

I find it ironic that some gun stores, like Antique & Modern, don't allow loaded firearms in their store for "safety" reasons. One would think, of all places in Lexington, a gun store would allow a loaded firearm. It's not like someone is going to come in and hold up the place with a gun. You'd have to be stupid to do that.
You would be surprised...i believe there is a Darwin award recipient who did just that...


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2008
Near Lexington, Kentucky, USA
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Most gun show operators, including Kenny Wood's shows and Ron Dickson's shows (National Gun Day) ask that you not carry a loaded firearm into the show. If they see your gun, they'll ask to 'secure it' with a zip tie.

I've never had a problem there however.


Regular Member
Jun 9, 2008
Hodgenville, Kentucky, USA
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Since it is a gun SHOW.....people more than anytime else handle all types of fire arms. Every show I know of secures your weapon upon entry, including Knob Creek.

I have never seen anyone SEARCHED for CC.

If an officer is wearing his badge, and ID'd as an officer, his weapon is not secured by tie down.:dude: