Founder's Club Member - Moderator
RIP Don Litten.. We had a love/hate relationship.. You LOVED to hate me :lol: - Seriously, Don and I had been friends for years.. He was an avid gun rights guy, photographer, author, blogger http://news.oldva.org, hunter, family man and more. We like to rib each other all the time.. He was a TRUE Open Carrier and thought all permit laws were "perks" for people that asked the government for permission. I used to tell him that I thought he kept the Virginia cigarette companies in business. I once caught him lighting a smoke when he had one already burning. We had lots of fun and lots of arguments.. and am glad to have know him and am a better person for it. My heart goes out to Jane Cole Litten, Taylor Litten Duff and other family members that he had.. He was one of the good guys with a gun.
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