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Frankfort concealed carry ban.

self preservation

Regular Member
Apr 8, 2012
The city of Frankfort has passed a ban prohibiting concealed carry inside of their buildings. This was one of those "secret" ordinances considering signs went up and no one had any idea that such a ban was now in place. To my hearts delight some city employees just simply started open carrying while inside of city buildings, so tee hee hee, take that city of Frankfort. But I have submitted an open records request so that we may view this ordinance to make sure it's all on the up and up. As we all know, these ordinances are sometimes passed as an intimidation tactic in hopes that people will simply not carry at all. I'll post what I find out.

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
I wouldn't be terribly surprised if no ordinance was actually passed, just sort of an "executive order" that when pressed no one will readily claim responsibility for.

Mentioned this before but in the recent past, the Kenton County Library (main branch only, in Covington) had 'No Guns' signs up that referenced a Covington city ordinance that...didn't exist and never existed. I guess someone on the library board fancied themselves a fiction writer, if you will pardon the humor.

Oh well since your report is from Frankfort, the state attorney general's office isn't far away if their assistance is needed.

self preservation

Regular Member
Apr 8, 2012
He won't get any help from that office. Jack Conway doesn't care any more about guns than he does about gay marriage. Andy Beshear will be no different.

I only have a picture of a sign from a Frankfort city employee. As soon as I figure out how to post it, I will. All I know is it's city ordinance 131.03.

self preservation

Regular Member
Apr 8, 2012
Here it is:

(E) (1) No person shall carry a concealed deadly weapon in any building owned, leased, occupied or controlled by the city.
(2) The prohibition in division (E)(1) above shall not apply to the following
(a) Any city government building used for public housing by private persons;
(b) Private dwellings owned, leased or controlled by the city; and
(c) Sworn officers in the division of police and other law enforcement officers authorizedto carry concealed deadly weapons, pursuant to KRS 527.020.
(3) All buildings or portions of buildings where the carrying of concealed deadly weapons is prohibited shall be clearly identified by signs posted at the entrance to the restricted area and shall read as follows: The possession of concealed deadly weapons, even with proper permit, is hereby prohibited on this property.
(4) Any person violating this section may be denied entrance into the restricted area orordered to leave the building. Any city employee violating this section may also be subject todisciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment.(>70 Code, ' 9.36.110) (Ord. 1-97, 1997, passed 1-2-97) Penalty, see ' 10.99

I don't see anything new or "secret" about it, it is accessible right on the City of Frankfort's website. It has been around since 1997 and is the same ordinance that was in effect when I was getting Frankfort's employee policy in line with state law in 2013. Am I missing something? What is the problem with this ordinance?

The "secret" part was from the employees that were not aware that this ordinance was in place. According to some employees the signs are just now starting to go up, so they thought that this ordinances was recently passed. Obviously you are familiar with this issue and feel that this ordinance is in compliance with state law. So with that said, I'm moving on. 😀


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
--snipped-- some city employees just simply started open carrying while inside of city buildings, so tee hee hee, take that city of Frankfort.

The "secret" part was from the employees that were not aware that this ordinance was in place. According to some employees the signs are just now starting to go up, so they thought that this ordinances was recently passed. Obviously you are familiar with this issue and feel that this ordinance is in compliance with state law. So with that said, I'm moving on. ��
Don't leave us hanging re the Franklin city employees who OCd.

Any repercussions?

Were they on the job?
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