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Ed Gillespie: "perfectly legitimate to regulate and ban that device" ('bump stocks')


Regular Member
Dec 21, 2010
Ed Gillespie: "perfectly legitimate to regulate and ban that device" ('bump stocks')


Ed Gillespie:
“It seems pretty evident to me that we, rightly, outlaw automatic weapons in this country and that bump stocks effectively serve to get around that law and that ban, and if there’s a device that allows you to circumvent the law, I think it’s perfectly legitimate to regulate and ban that device to make sure that you cannot circumvent what is a rightful ban on automatic weapons in this country,” Gillespie said on a phone call with reporters Friday.



Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
One doesn't need a "bump stock" to bump fire a semi auto long gun...


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
That is correct. Neither does one “need” (scare-quotes) a pencil sharpener to bump fire a semi-automatic long gun, or a light switch, tire iron, or book end. Still we should not ban tools, hoplon for the fears of hoplophobes.
There are so many tools out there.


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2014
Northern Piedmont-Culpeper
Has anyone on here ever actually fired a gun with a bump stock? 'Cause, while I have not, everything I have read about the bump stock says that when using it, you can't control the muzzle. As in, you sacrifice accuracy for rate of fire. Anybody know if this is true?


Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com
And .... at the risk of opening yet another can of worms that some would seek to regulate ... I have observed a firearms owner at my range using a "binary trigger" on his AR platform. This type of trigger imbeds "release trigger" functionality into the trigget group. That is, the rifle fires one round on a normal trigger pull and another on trigger release (what is normally considered 'reset'). This continues until the user stops pulling the trigger after the last release. I have seen the user empty a 30-round magazine in about 10 seconds... As with bump stocks, ATF apparently consideres this drop-in trigger item legal and its use does not change the semi-auto characteristic of the AR.

Here's a quick video of how it operates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6NA05rBMU8

Note that accuracy suffers -- note how many rounds hit the dirt/grass in front of the target on the tree stump. At my range, there is no restriction on how fast a firearm may be fired, but every round must hit the impact area at the end of the range. The firing in this video example would have been a fail.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
And .... at the risk of opening yet another can of worms that some would seek to regulate ... I have observed a firearms owner at my range using a "binary trigger" on his AR platform. This type of trigger imbeds "release trigger" functionality into the trigget group. That is, the rifle fires one round on a normal trigger pull and another on trigger release (what is normally considered 'reset'). This continues until the user stops pulling the trigger after the last release. I have seen the user empty a 30-round magazine in about 10 seconds... As with bump stocks, ATF apparently consideres this drop-in trigger item legal and its use does not change the semi-auto characteristic of the AR.

Here's a quick video of how it operates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6NA05rBMU8

Note that accuracy suffers -- note how many rounds hit the dirt/grass in front of the target on the tree stump. At my range, there is no restriction on how fast a firearm may be fired, but every round must hit the impact area at the end of the range. The firing in this video example would have been a fail.

I have a binary trigger for my Ruger Range Rifle. Didn't really like it. It does empty the magazine quicker but it went against all of my training to have a shot when I released the trigger. I took the device off.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc

can the august members of the VA OCDO contingency advise how i might fit these 'bump stock' or 'binary' apparatus to my purdy Sig Sauer Tribal pistola or my HK USP handgun, and might I, with minimal leap of faith, presume this 'bump stock' thingy wouldn't fit on my FNH compact 9 handgun at all??

just saying, ya know...
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Activist Member
Jul 2, 2010
Alexandria, VA at www.NoVA-MDSelfDefense.com
I have a binary trigger for my Ruger Range Rifle. Didn't really like it. It does empty the magazine quicker but it went against all of my training to have a shot when I released the trigger. I took the device off.

I tend to agree with you, in concept, regarding 'release triggers.' I've seen them before on shotguns on the Trap range, but they were release-only triggers, not binary. The idea was that simply releasing the trigger would not cause jerking the shotgun when firing at the bird. Although I've never witnessed a negligent discharge because the finger slipped off the trigger prematurely, it seemed a cause for concern.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
can the august members of the VA OCDO contingency advise how i might fit these 'bump stock' or 'binary' apparatus to my purdy Sig Sauer Tribal pistola or my HK USP handgun, and might I, with minimal leap of faith, presume this 'bump stock' thingy wouldn't fit on my FNH compact 9 handgun at all??

just saying, ya know...

Requires judicious modification of the sear and firing pin. Warning, the gun will no longer be drop proof...:uhoh:

Blow-back guns that fire from an open breech are easier.

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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Has anyone on here ever actually fired a gun with a bump stock? 'Cause, while I have not, everything I have read about the bump stock says that when using it, you can't control the muzzle. As in, you sacrifice accuracy for rate of fire. Anybody know if this is true?

I have and I seen other fire them also.

Fun if your shooting other people ammo.

Easy to miss with unless you done some practice. Can be fired in control bursts. Has the same control problems as a full auto. I have used both.

Very capable of a decent cone of fire at the distances stated in the Las Vegas shootings hitting some where in that size of target not hard.

If he would have used rapid 10 round bursts instead of mag dumps he most likely would have been more effective.

But 58 dead does make a statement would more dead have make a bigger statement?

Trouble is we don't know what statement he was making kind of defeats the purpose.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
A bump-stock does not change a semi-automatic to an (((automatic))), it still requires one pull of the trigger for each shot. A bump-stock does enable rapid fire from a semi-automatic, approaching rates seen in machine guns, but still semi-automatic.

One doesn't need a "bump stock" to bump fire a semi auto long gun...snipp.

That is correct. Neither does one “need” (scare-quotes) a pencil sharpener to bump fire a semi-automatic long gun, or a light switch, tire iron, or book end. Still we should not ban tools, hoplon for the fears of hoplophobes.

And .... at the risk of opening yet another can of worms that some would seek to regulate ... I have observed a firearms owner at my range using a "binary trigger" on his AR platform. This type of trigger imbeds "release trigger" functionality into the trigget group. That is, the rifle fires one round on a normal trigger pull and another on trigger release (what is normally considered 'reset'). This continues until the user stops pulling the trigger after the last release. I have seen the user empty a 30-round magazine in about 10 seconds... As with bump stocks, ATF apparently consideres this drop-in trigger item legal and its use does not change the semi-auto characteristic of the AR. snipp...

I have a binary trigger for my Ruger Range Rifle. snipp.

I tend to agree with you, in concept, regarding 'release triggers.' I've seen them before on shotguns snipp.

Hummm...15 posts and almost half specifically mention long guns...

other instances, the thread would be warned or locked.

Gutshot II you seem to be correct...

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Hummm...15 posts and almost half specifically mention long guns...

other instances, the thread would be warned or locked.

Gutshot II you seem to be correct...
I thought this thread was about a RINO republican?

But, if we are going to talk about bump firing I have bump fired my S&W M&P 9C with the stock trigger. The first time was not intended. With a little practice could get three to four round bursts. And clearly uncontrollable.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
can the august members of the VA OCDO contingency advise how i might fit these 'bump stock' or 'binary' apparatus to my purdy Sig Sauer Tribal pistola or my HK USP handgun, and might I, with minimal leap of faith, presume this 'bump stock' thingy wouldn't fit on my FNH compact 9 handgun at all??

just saying, ya know...

You use a bump board for pistols, they can be found at Lowes, or Home Depot. The board, and trigger handle are sold separately, you have to put it together.


gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Hummm...15 posts and almost half specifically mention long guns...

other instances, the thread would be warned or locked.

Gutshot II you seem to be correct...

Just as is normal and expected. It is such an expected event that it is hardly necessary to point out that it is factual, but much appreciated anyway. The fact that it is correct doesn't seem to hold much weight here. The prevailing opinion trumps the rules. By the way, what are the rules?

The Wolfhound

Regular Member
Sep 3, 2009
Henrico, Virginia, USA
Ed does not deserve your vote.


True statement, but the Democrats do not deserve to win. I will do what I can with the poor tool available (Gillespie). I will again work harder in primary season to get (finally) a good candidate. Allowing Ralph and his cronies to win, when you have an alternative, is a foolish move for any gun owner. I will be happy to share my clothespin supply with you but request you vote for someone, worthy, or not.