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Deplorable, Rural, Kiwis Just Say No To Gun Ban. “Out of my cold, dead hands.”


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
New Zealand politicians who rushed to enact nationwide gun confiscation following the Christchurch mosque massacres are befuddled by the lack of enthusiasm from citizens who have yet to comply with the new law. The so-called “gun reform” was expected to rid the vast New Zealand countryside of most semi-automatic firearms, magazines over a specified limit, and shotguns.

Two months ago, Reuters breathlessly reported, “New Zealand police expect tens of thousands of firearms to be surrendered by a guns buy-back scheme.” Law enforcement authorities averred that “it could be more.” Pregnant with the expectation that gun owners would trade their firearms for cash, the political class is nonplussed by the results.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I wonder why the fascination with New Zealand's political agenda(s) which we have no control over whatsoever, especially when we can't get a handle on our country's National or State firearms agendas...


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Analogous in NZ on their gun buy program means what to stopping Extreme Risk Protective Orders, or IL/CA/DC/ad nauseam firearm control issues, or LA parishes gun control ordinances, or any of this nation’s real or imagined federal/state/local gun control issues?

Apples to cumquats as you highlite a singular self govern’d country against this nation comprised of 50 self governed states.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Griz...we must since we have been engaged in stupid mystical crusade(s) for the last 150 years [i mean really griz, we watched mother CCCP invade the country of Afghanistan then leave after 20 years with their tail between their derrières only to to have our country occupy it for thirty years].

Oh griz, what did 20 years in Vietnam get us or how did it do anything to preserve our constitutional freedoms?

Just saying

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Griz...we must since we have been engaged in stupid mystical crusade(s) for the last 150 years [i mean really griz, we watched mother CCCP invade the country of Afghanistan then leave after 20 years with their tail between their derrières only to to have our country occupy it for thirty years].

Oh griz, what did 20 years in Vietnam get us or how did it do anything to preserve our constitutional freedoms?

Just saying
Not a damn thing, but it did feed the military–industrial complex.


Regular Member
Jul 25, 2017
Not a damn thing, but it did feed the military–industrial complex.

and alot of lost young American lives, some of which could've have been a great US Constitution scholar/supporter

Alot of family ripped apart on both side of the fence

Pain and agonies for the families, years to come

New way to skin and mutilate your enemies and wear their eyeballs or ears as a necklace

Turned a soldier into a Murders

and not talking about the aftermath of Chemical warfare, especially Agent Orange that still causes havoc 50 years later
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
and alot of lost young American lives, some of which could've have been a great US Constitution scholar/supporter

Alot of family ripped apart on both side of the fence

Pain and agonies for the families, years to come

New way to skin and mutilate your enemies and wear their eyeballs or ears as a necklace

Turned a soldier into a Murders

and not talking about the aftermath of Chemical warfare, especially Agent Orange that still causes havoc 50 years later

Any loss or maiming of life due to needless pursuit of frivolous governmental endeavors is egregious.

But the Vietnam Conflict officially began in 1955 and ended 1975 with a loss of life of 52K in twenty years, yet...

In that same period freedom VA, et al., 893K citizens died ~ fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, parents gone in majority of these cases these deaths were caused by individuals driving after using legal & illegal substances who inflicted the devastation on innocent citizens.

The nation’s citizens are outraged on these military worldwide excursions, yet not one bloody advocate group like mommies is screaming about the continuing deaths, averaging at 36K/year, again mainly due to driving under the influence substances.

FreedomVA, et al., please tell me, w/cites, what American freedoms have been preserved by our military service members fighting, dying, being maimed - physically & mentality, in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghan, ad nauseam.

I look forward to your response...

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
What is casuistry?
Definition of casuistry: 1 : a resolving of specific cases of conscience, duty, or conduct through interpretation of ethical principles or religious doctrine

Definition of analogous: similar or comparable to something else either in general or in some specific detail

Same alphabet...different applications...err...Definition of non sequitur: 2 : a statement (such as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said

Then again, it could just be me...