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Conceal Carry Louisville KY Meetup


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2017
Louisville KY
Hello from Louisville Kentucky,

I recently passed my CCDW here in KY. As did my wife, who is now known as ‘deadeye’. She’s a mean shot with a S&W .38 Cal Bodyguard, and only started shooting 2 weeks before we took the class and test. She’s left handed as well, so you can imagine what that was like for me to teach her. Anyway…

What I am wondering is if there are enough members here who would like to start a Concealed Carry Louisville Meetup. I am thinking educational, social and practical monthly meetup. Pass on info about local and Kentucky laws and of course discuss which is the absolute best conceal carry firearm.

Before I progress to far I want to gauge if there is indeed interest in doing this. My vision is to meet monthly in early evening at a range for about 45-60 minutes including range time. Discuss weapons, loads, etc. Then retire to a place to get a bite to eat. I am thinking a total of 2 to 2.25 hours + or - a bit. I am open to suggestions about this as I want to get a nice group together where we can have some other purely social events, i.e. cookouts, pot lucks or such.

If you are in the Metro Louisville area and are interested drop me a line here and I will get a list together and work out the details of a first meet up. I think that January would be good start month. We can all show off new weapons from Christmas. If you have friends who are conceal carry people but not on here, ask them if they would be interested as well.

Or if I am just uniformed and there is already such a group, please point me towards it.


color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Welcome Newbe, Did it ever dawn on you that OCDO is a forum for those that OPEN CARRY. On occasion we may mention conceal carry, but with hung heads. And lets get this straight, your wife is right handed. All those others are wrong handed. I'm sure someone from kuntuky will be along to discuss this issue.


Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
...What I am wondering is if there are enough members here who would like to start a Concealed Carry Louisville Meetup. I am thinking educational, social and practical monthly meetup. Pass on info about local and Kentucky laws and of course discuss which is the absolute best conceal carry firearm. ...
Why divide legal gun owners?

I suggest that you just have a plain old *meetup*, with no specifications about how people choose to legally carry.

Up here we call them "Meet n' Greets" (with eats).


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2017
Louisville KY
Meet n' Greet + Eats

Why divide legal gun owners?

I suggest that you just have a plain old *meetup*, with no specifications about how people choose to legally carry.

Up here we call them "Meet n' Greets" (with eats).

Like the name. Putting all the comments in my notes for idea.



Regular Member
Nov 15, 2017
Louisville KY
OC vs CC et. al.

Welcome Newbe, Did it ever dawn on you that OCDO is a forum for those that OPEN CARRY. On occasion we may mention conceal carry, but with hung heads. And lets get this straight, your wife is right handed. All those others are wrong handed. I'm sure someone from kuntuky will be along to discuss this issue.

She's been telling me for years she in her right mind. And she's begun to learn to shoot with her right hand too.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Originally Posted by LouKYccguy

She's been telling me for years she in her right mind. And she's begun to learn to shoot with her right wrong hand too.
I fixed it for you.
I believe the correct term would be non-dominant.