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Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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WELL At least as far as I can tell it doesn't involve any idiotic "microstamping" schemes, but evidently now in California you need a Brady Check to buy AMMO. I saw this on TV while eating lunch today and couldn't believe it when I checked the forums - including the California forums - and found no comment.

This is more than a bit worrisome to me because when I was studying Criminal Justice Administration in college damn near all the textbooks were "California-Centric". Inbau and Ried, who wrote some really great texts on interrogation, interviews, and confessions were a couple LAPD investigators.

Any of you California boys able to shed some light on what's afoot in the Land of Fruit and Nuts?


State Pioneer
May 22, 2006
Shasta County, California, USA
imported post

Yes, Arnold signed a bill into law that will require a vendor get a thumbprint and other information in order to purchase ammunition. Goes into effect Feb 2011. Please search AB962.

Word has it that it will not stand a court challenge. There are more details on calguns.net


New member
Nov 29, 2008
, ,
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Alexcabbie wrote:
WELL At least as far as I can tell it doesn't involve any idiotic "microstamping" schemes, but evidently now in California you need a Brady Check to buy AMMO. I saw this on TV while eating lunch today and couldn't believe it when I checked the forums - including the California forums - and found no comment.

This is more than a bit worrisome to me because when I was studying Criminal Justice Administration in college damn near all the textbooks were "California-Centric". Inbau and Ried, who wrote some really great texts on interrogation, interviews, and confessions were a couple LAPD investigators.

Any of you California boys able to shed some light on what's afoot in the Land of Fruit and Nuts?
I think this will only lead to MORE laws to help enforce this one. Is there anything in place to keeping CA residents from driving to Oregon or NV to buy ammo? Or even buying it online?


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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That is what I mean by worrisome. For years the folks across the moat in DC have ben kvetching that the reason DC's idiotic (and illegal) gun restrictions do not work is because of weapons availability in Virginia (where the problem is much less despite all the guns in Virginia, but never mind). And more recently the BS about the Mexican cartels obtaining automaatic weapons in the USA which by clever double talk means ordinary semi-auto weapons which I guess the Good Dope Fairy what Sits in the Sky converts to FA/select fire once they are across the Rio.

By the way these cartels make their main profit from marijuana, which from all accounts our native geniuses are able to grow better varieties of (more potent) than what can be grown in Mexico. Hells bells. We could legalize the crooks right out of business, tax the pot, and be in fat city. But no, that would mean relinquishing control. Better ban guns and increase it. :banghead:

If I've said it once I've said it A THOUSAND TIMES: Be it pot, alcohol, tobacco, firearms or anything else; these SOBs are not concerned with anyone's well-being unless it provides them a way to gather, maintain, and increase power. I hope everyone is beginning to wise up to that fact.

As always I say let's fight every legal and political battle necessary before we have to do something more drastic. Right now we still have our representative Republic. I wonder sometimes if the day is near when we find ourselves called to re-instate it.



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Well, I guess it's no more Disneyland for me! Or anywhere else in the People's Republic of Kalifornia, for that matter!

Anyone up for a mass boycott?


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
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We should band together and put up warning signs on billboards just ouside of CA. inArizona Nevada and Oregon.

WARNING: You are about to Enter the State of California.You should expect to have your constitutional rights, including your gun rights, violated by Agents of the State.


Regular Member
Nov 29, 2007
Rosamond, California, USA
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cbackous wrote:
Alexcabbie wrote:
WELL At least as far as I can tell it doesn't involve any idiotic "microstamping" schemes, but evidently now in California you need a Brady Check to buy AMMO. I saw this on TV while eating lunch today and couldn't believe it when I checked the forums - including the California forums - and found no comment.

This is more than a bit worrisome to me because when I was studying Criminal Justice Administration in college damn near all the textbooks were "California-Centric". Inbau and Ried, who wrote some really great texts on interrogation, interviews, and confessions were a couple LAPD investigators.

Any of you California boys able to shed some light on what's afoot in the Land of Fruit and Nuts?
I think this will only lead to MORE laws to help enforce this one. Is there anything in place to keeping CA residents from driving to Oregon or NV to buy ammo? Or even buying it online?
962 does indeed make it illegal to order ammo on-line. There is nothing in it that keeps someone from driving to Vegas and stocking up every couple months.

Sonora Rebel

Regular Member
Aug 6, 2008
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I have a friend in CA who owns a .45 Schofield. 'Sez he can't get any ammo for it other than mail order. I s'pose he'll be makin' trips to Nevada. Is CA still part of the US? Why?

I've been 'boycotting' CA since '79. I refuse to cross the Colorado for anything.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
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The online sales aspect of this law is unlikely to withstand legal scrutiny.

Unfortunately, as we already give thumbprints to drive, the requirement for thumbprints to be recorded for in-person ammo sales is likely to stay. :?

BTW, last I checked California has no system of doing background checks instantly, like Virginia does. So, what's being instituted isn't a Brady Check, it's record-keeping + thumbprint.

Perhaps someone can correct me if I've erred in stating that.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
imported post

Alexcabbie wrote:
By the way these cartels make their main profit from marijuana, which from all accounts our native geniuses are able to grow better varieties of (more potent) than what can be grown in Mexico.  Hells bells.  We could legalize the crooks right out of business, tax the pot, and be in fat city.   But no, that would mean relinquishing control.  Better ban guns and increase it.  :banghead:

Except for the tax part. Sales tax is unavoidable, but I oppose the imposition of all new taxes and advocate the repeal of essentially all extant taxes.

But, otherwise, +1.