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Cabela's change of policy


Regular Member
Oct 23, 2007
Provo, Utah, USA
After learning that they had changed their signs at the Lehi, Utah Cabela's, I contacted Cabela's Customer Relations to ask if there was a change of policy. The first reply I got tap danced around the question so I asked them to clarify. Here is the reply:

Thank you for contacting Cabela's Customer Relations Department Live Help.

I called the Lehi store and explained that the question was concerned with an open carry firearm, not one that you were bringing in for service or exchange. The response I received was that you would need to check the firearm upon entering the store and a safety lock would be placed on the gun while you were in the store.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Most stores have that policy (securing firearms on entry) for firearms being returned or repaired because they will be handled in the store, and the store is guaranteeing that they will be handled responsibly. Very ofter managers mistake that policy as covering all firearms in the store, including those being carried lawfully in a holster with no intention to handle them unless needed for lawful self-defense. We had such a misunderstanding with a store in Montgomery, Alabama until corporate clarified that the only firearms that need to be secured are those being returned or repaired. When the policy was clarified, we had an event at the store and spent some coin there.

That being said, I don't know Cabela's policy. I suspect it is essentially as stated above and needs to be communicated clearly to local managers. Thank you for working to get corporate to clarify it.


Regular Member
Oct 23, 2007
Provo, Utah, USA
Most stores have that policy (securing firearms on entry) for firearms being returned or repaired because they will be handled in the store, and the store is guaranteeing that they will be handled responsibly. Very ofter managers mistake that policy as covering all firearms in the store, including those being carried lawfully in a holster with no intention to handle them unless needed for lawful self-defense. We had such a misunderstanding with a store in Montgomery, Alabama until corporate clarified that the only firearms that need to be secured are those being returned or repaired. When the policy was clarified, we had an event at the store and spent some coin there.

That being said, I don't know Cabela's policy. I suspect it is essentially as stated above and needs to be communicated clearly to local managers. Thank you for working to get corporate to clarify it.

Cabela's corporate policy used to be that only firearms that were going to be handled in the store needed to be checked and their signage was consistent with that policy. This is a recent change in both signage and apparently policy.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Cabela's corporate policy used to be that only firearms that were going to be handled in the store needed to be checked and their signage was consistent with that policy. This is a recent change in both signage and apparently policy.

Can you provide a cite for that change in policy? Your quote in post one does not state a corporate policy, by simply reiterates what the store says is policy.
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Regular Member
Oct 23, 2007
Provo, Utah, USA
Can you provide a cite for that change in policy? Your quote in post one does not state a corporate policy, by simply reiterates what the store says is policy.

The quote in the first post was from Corporate Customer Relations, if the policy is different, they should say so.

The new signs at the Lehi, Utah store read:

We care about your safety. Please check in all firearms here brought in for service, fitting, or trade. This does not apply to concealed carry permit holders who intend to keep their firearms concealed.

The old signs read:

Firearms legally carried in a concealed or open-carry manner do not have to be checked unless unless removed from their holster or other carrying mechanism.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
You are making an assumption about corporate policy based on a very vague answer that does not state corporate policy. I suggest that you specifically ask for a clear statement of corporate policy. This store may be violating that policy based on a genuine misunderstanding of that corporate policy and/or of State law. Without that clarification, I will assume that the corporate policy is as last clearly stated, which is to follow State law and allow OC in Alabama.

If a single store has violated corporate policy, I will not allow that to alter how I choose to shop. If that store were near where I lived, I would keep requesting clarification until I knew the corporate policy.


Regular Member
Dec 19, 2009
This will be your third thread on this topic sir. Two on this board and one on the Utah concealed carry board. It appears to some that you are trying to pick a fight or make a problem where there is none.

As stated in the two previous threads, We talked to the store manager and they said they fully support our 2nd amendment rights and we are allowed to carry in any manner as long as the firearm remains holstered. (Not in for repair, fitting, etc). They have had no policy change according to management.

Additionally, a small sign at the door does not a policy change make. You started a chat session with someone who then called the store and talked to god knows who asking god knows what about policy and you take that as gospel.

The Lehi Cabelas is very supportive of our 2nd amendment rights and has had no policy change according to their management.

Carry on!.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
Over the past several years, Bass Pro, Cabellas, and Sportsmens' Warehouse have all agreed to allow legal carry of weapons NOT being handled, turned in for repair etc. Periodically some employees or corporate employees get it wrong.

It is EVER helpful for people to email corporations to ASK them about their polices - if you ask them, you are asking them to say no.

Stop asking. Just carry normally and go about your business.

If you have a particular Bass Pro, Cabellas, and Sportsmens' Warehouse retail outlet which begins banning normal holstered gun carry, then send me a PM and I will folow-up with management.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
What about Bass Pro?

That was the store we had the exact same problem with in Prattville, AL. The store was misunderstanding corporate policy. I suspect that is what is happening in this case.

...If you have a particular Bass Pro, Cabellas, and Sportsmens' Warehouse retail outlet which begins banning normal holstered gun carry, then send me a PM and I will folow-up with management.

Thanks, Mike. Will do.

It's best to have a single POC who gets to know the players.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
Mike said:
It is NEVER helpful for people to email corporations to ASK them about their polices

Mike said:
If you have a particular Bass Pro, Cabellas, and Sportsmens' Warehouse retail outlet which begins banning normal holstered gun carry, then send me a PM and I will follow-up with management.
I appreciate that you have the contacts, clout, & knowledge to be able to deal with these corporations & improve life for us, but the first thing that came to mind was a little kids' voice:
"Awwwwwww, I'm gonna tell Daaad!"