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ATTENTION - URGENT: Ferguson National Response Network/


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2009
, Kentucky, USA

Well, according to the Ferguson National Response Network, a site put up to aid protestors and those inclined to possibly commit acts of violence. They're directing people across America to what they consider to be key physical locations on either the day of or the day after the Grand Jury's announcement.

There are 2 locations in Kentucky: Lexington & Louisville, at the moment.

There are locations in Tennessee, North Carolina, Texas, NY, and many other states. Check for yours and be prepared if you reside in or near any of these locations.

Check the site for you state and location of protestors and possible looters, Heads Up Gunners!



Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
Everyone might want to carry that day - huh?
Probably avoid visiting Starbux, some Waffle Houses, Targets, Courthouses, Panera Breads, local schools.
W/b interesting to see (1) if 'Cair'ing muslims attempt to hijack protests in areas with large 'religion of peace' populations, (2) if the media reports on such, and (3) would think this is the ultimate oppty for Farahkan to promote Nation of Islam and tie-in with black nationalists.
Also interesting to see if Benito Obama has timed his amnesty for illegals at the same time as Ferguson outing, in order to distract democrat voting blacks from who/what is actually responsible for creating such terrible economic conditions under his 6 years-to-date reign.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
Y-12? Heh. I'd love to seem them try.

And I have to laugh.... Detroit, Ypsi and Jackson, MI.... its too damn cold here. I can honestly say they wont have many people, in this weather. Even less if its snowing.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
neuroblades said:
according to the Ferguson National Response Network, a site put up to aid [strike]protestors[/strike] rioters

I note that my city is listed as the site of a riot-to-be.
Hopefully our Chief will get out his troops & control them (better than the previous riots).
I won't go downtown (near what's listed as their meeting point), and will of course be armed as much as possible that day.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007

I note that my city is listed as the site of a riot-to-be.
Hopefully our Chief will get out his troops & control them (better than the previous riots).
I won't go downtown (near what's listed as their meeting point), and will of course be armed as much as possible that day.

Yeah, but you would not be likely to go near there anyway. Eliminate the "Don't go stupid places" part and the other three* just drop off.

stay safe.

* - for anybody that thinks that is too cryptic, it's: Go stupid places with stupid people and do stupid things, win stupid prizes.


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2009
, Kentucky, USA
Did any one expect maybe Harlan, Pikeville or Hazard? I recommend that they expand this list to include demonstrations at those three locations and also in Corbin, Paintsville, Sheperdsville, New Castle and a few others. The results would be interesting.

As for Paintsville, had I seen a listing for here, that would've really surprised me greatly. I love my little town, we have a mix of color, race and what have you and thusly, I haven't seen or heard any negativity tossed around here. For the time being Obama's attempt at causing a racial hardship or conflict has not tossed us here. I would like to think that that's because we are above the petty hatred and racism that had once been a stereotype of Eastern Kentucky in decades past.

I'm not saying that there aren't still those uneducated and low-intelligent people around here, just that they're not speaking out and causing problems.

Personally, after looking into the Lexington site, that one doesn't really concern me as much as the Louisville site but I'm quite sure that IF they get out of hand, they're in the right place to do it. *LOL*
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
Sorry to rain on your parade, but you all's "would like to think" is just that: Wishful thinking.

When push comes to shove, it's race vs. race, ethnic group vs. ethnic group, tribe vs. tribe, religion vs. religion, ideology vs. ideology. That's how it REALLY is in the world (not just America). Everything MIGHT be just dandy during the good times, but put ANY "we all get along just fine" society under pressure and see how it SO EASILY fractures into violence.

That's just how it is.

One fairly recent example is the people of Bosnia/Kosovo: "Christians and Muslims living happily together for MANY years" -- then they found out it was only a silly shallow veneer in which they believed -- when push came to shove. Or the Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda -- until the machetes came out. Same for the Christians vs. Muslims in Timor (they used shovels to hack Christians to death there, as most weapons were banned) and the age-old Hindus vs. Muslims saga in India. And in the Middle East, do you think the so-called "Israeli Arabs" (what an oxymoron) are going to side with Israel (i.e., Jews) in the next war? Or will the Sunni Muslims REALLY side with Shite Muslims in ANYTHING?

And many such other examples...

Ask them all NOW about how "everyone got/gets along" -- no more illusions there, I assure you.

So if you think your "diverse" neighborhood is all that "tight," go on kidding yourself. Or maybe you DO know better but are just in denial, because "you'd like to think" differently, as it puts a warm & fuzzy blanket on brutal reality.

Either way, you're in for a surprise when the blanket comes off -- if and when the time comes. Like the people of Ferguson, MO, found out a while back, and as most of us expect they will be reminded of shortly.

On another and more cheerful note: Happy Thanksgiving to all here @ OCDO!

...I wonder if the Grand Jury will announce their (riot-causing) decision BEFORE or AFTER Thanksgiving. So, we must wait to see if we have a peaceful holiday weekend (before the storm) or a violent one?
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I think the evidence points in a different direction.....in most cases. This country has seen the successful melding/assimalation of very diverse cultures and ethnic backgrounds.

I will grant you that the earlier years were somewhat tumultuous and that can still be expected occasionally, especially between groups of extreme differences OR those pushed and/or promoted by those with an outside agenda.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
I think the evidence points in a different direction.....in most cases. This country has seen the successful melding/assimalation of very diverse cultures and ethnic backgrounds.

I will grant you that the earlier years were somewhat tumultuous and that can still be expected occasionally, especially between groups of extreme differences OR those pushed and/or promoted by those with an outside agenda.

It does not take much to push or promote.

Stay calm and be a law-abiding citizen. With a stockpile of slugs.

stay safe.

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
It does not take much to push or promote.

Stay calm and be a law-abiding citizen. With a stockpile of slugs.

stay safe.

I still find it difficult to understand why so many people thought these "demonstrations" were not co-ordinated nationwide. I see them wearing the same shirts, with the same signs, chanting the same mantra. Truth be damned, they seem to be in it just to "demonstrate".
I have been sharing this "organizing for action" site with everyone I know. It does not convince the hardcore zealots who are using it as an excuse, but it does help with those who are living with there heads in the sand.