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Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
imported post

Seems to me I saw in Guns and Ammo about 1980 or so a review of a .25 BUG made by - I think - Seecamp. The design was very unusual in that it amounted to a magazine-fed ---- well, SAO doesn't quite ----- ANYWAY. It was supposed to be handled with a two-hand grip and was activated thusly: Your two thumbs would be used to push the slide FORWARD to load the round and cock the piece, then the slide would blow back to eject the spent round, whereupon you would push the slide forward again to load/cock it. I may be wrong about the mfg., possibly it was Bauer but I am almost certain it was Seecamp.

In any case I remember it was an incredibly dopey design, second only IMO to that horrible Japanese pistol with the exposed sear that you could commit accidental hari-kiri with. The lone advantage I could see was that a bad guy would probably not be able to figure it out if he snatched it, but ifit was a BUG then the BG already had one that worked, probably.

The design was so damned STUPID that I wonder if it isn't just a figment of undigested pizza that infested one of my dreams way back when. I know this much: Before I got her well-enough broken in, "JJ" my Walther PPK/s used to behave approximately like that.

Anybody remember that gun? Or am I going soft in the head?


Regular Member
Sep 10, 2009
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I remember reading about a Seacamp in .45 ACP that worked kinda like that. It was very small, and you had to fully retract the slide then let go to eject and then chamber a new round. That was back in the mid 70's, and I never actually saw one, just read about it in Shooting Times or some such.



Regular Member
Jul 21, 2008
Alexandria, Virginia, United States
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Thankee, G. I had been wondering if I were starting to lose it. Racking the slide FORWARD to eject/chamber? WTF?? But they did it, they made it, and they sold it. Hallelujah! I'se not caraaazzzeeey!:celebrate

Basic Guy

Regular Member
Dec 3, 2006
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TehGruu wrote:
WTF were people thinking in making this?


They were thinking of the minimum envelope for a mannualy operated, multi shot 45. It really is a tiny piece for a 45.

I've been a gun nut since I was 11 and a mechanical engineer after a tour in the Marines. I have never forgotten thatdesign just because it was so unique. I'd say it is practical for really deep cover. I'd probably pick one up if I ever saw one for sale.