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Activists Install Jury Nullification Billboard In DC


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2013
A single juror is the most powerful person in the courthouse when the judge tasks the jury to come up to a verdict.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust

I look at it as the peoples veto. Too bad too many think they have to follow judges instructions as law.

And the judges do discourage nullification and the courts (wait..big surprise...) have blessed their illegal instructions.

Lets face it 99% percent of people if cops come to their front door asking for permission to search, they would allow them.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
Well guess what I got in yesterday's mail?

A jury summons :banana::banana:

Doubt I have a snowball's chance in (heck) because the section I have to take back has a questionnaire about having been involved "in a court proceeding other than jury service" and was the case criminal, traffic or civil?

Well; yes, yes and yes. I worked with the FBI for 3 years to put a former boss who ___ed me over in federal prison, I rode on patrol with a sheriff's deputy buddy for 9 years participating in numerous arrests and testified a few times and the wife is currently suing her former employer for a few million.
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Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
Well guess hat I got in yesterday's mail?

A jury summons :banana::banana:

Doubt I have a snowball's chance in (heck) because the section I have to take back has a questionnaire about having been involved "in a court proceeding other than jury service" and was the case criminal, traffic or civil?

Well; yes, yes and yes. I worked with the FBI for 3 years to put a former boss who ___ed me over in federal prison, I rode on patrol with a sheriff's deputy buddy for 9 years participating in numerous arrests and testified a few times and the wife is currently suing her former employer for a few million.

Simply write a letter back to them asking them to clearly define, "US Citizen" as it is being used for this summons.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2014
Seattle WA

I look at it as the peoples veto. Too bad too many think they have to follow judges instructions as law.

In todays corrupt so-called justice system what are the chances of a juror being charged with contempt of court or struck off for refusing to obey? I could find a dozen cases of judges violating the Constitution or upholding laws that the Constitution has already automatically nullified such as any and all restrictions of the bearing of arms not to mention the people who have been assaulted by police, kidnapped and charged with a made-up crime related to filming police, which is protected under the 1st Amendment.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
In todays corrupt so-called justice system what are the chances of a juror being charged with contempt of court or struck off for refusing to obey? I could find a dozen cases of judges violating the Constitution or upholding laws that the Constitution has already automatically nullified such as any and all restrictions of the bearing of arms not to mention the people who have been assaulted by police, kidnapped and charged with a made-up crime related to filming police, which is protected under the 1st Amendment.

Yep even in New Hampshire were they passed a law protecting nullification instructions judges are doing all they can to subvert that law.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
How come defense lawyers don't spread the word?

Good question. I know a few that do. I also know a few who believe in it but have told me they will suffer career consequences if they advocate it.

I know some who I have talked to are part of the cartelization of the legal system and don't want juries having the right to ignore their argument and the states.