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Search results

  1. barf

    An open letter to anyone on this site who can answer the question

    So, what's the story with the two good looking chicks hugging in the banner at the top of this site? Are they on these forums? Are they single? Do they know the benefits that come along with being with a mawg? Please don't dash my dreams and tell me it's some sort of stock photo. If that's...
  2. barf

    Alexandria Meetup - Any Interest?

    imported post I saw the topic "Alexandria Meetup - Any Interest?" on LOCAL but can't reply there... ps. it looks like the topic is locked.
  3. barf

    Open Carry Events in Louisiana

    imported post Louisiana is defined by this site as an open carry friendly state (http://www.opencarry.org/opencarry.html). We have a right to keep and bear arms in our state constitution. We have complete state preemption of new firearms laws with some exceptions for public buildings, etc...
  4. barf

    Happy Mother's Day!

    imported post Happy Mother's Day!
  5. barf

    Happy Valentine's OC Day!

    imported post
  6. barf

    Important Reminder for Louisiana OCers

    imported post When the Saints win on Sunday, do not - I repeat - do not discharge your weapon within city limits. That is all...
  7. barf

    Armed March and Invasion of Kenner LA WalMart!

    imported post It has been suggested by some that we descend on the Kenner WalMart with groups of OCers in response to Bad OC experience at Kenner Wal-Mart ( http://opencarry.mywowbb.com/forum26/37004.html ). Who's in?
  8. barf

    I don't carry a gun

    imported post I don’t carry a gun to kill people. I carry a gun to keep from being killed. I don’t carry a gun to scare people. I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place. I don’t carry a gun because I’m paranoid. I carry a gun because there are real threats in the...
  9. barf

    NOLA area gunshows

    imported post Anybody know of any upcoming NOLA area gunshows?
  10. barf

    Open Carry in an Open Carry Friendly State

    imported post There is much discussion lately about open carry in an open carry friendly state such as Louisiana. Some advocate armed marches in heavily populated areas to let the "sheeple" know that it is legal to open carry, while some maintain just to open carry as you go about your business...
  11. barf

    Chirp, Chirp...

    imported post Wow, haven't seen many posts on here lately (except if you count the personal attacks). :uhoh: Where is everyone? On vacation? Offshore? Over at laopencarry.org?
  12. barf

    Why am I here?

    imported post I'm not an activist and I'm not a cynic. I'm just a person who wants to enable patriots to use their freedoms to save their freedoms. When writing this letter, I had originally intended to segregate the pure errors of fact in Derf's comments from the assertions of questionable...