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Twiztid Angel
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  • Hey Twiztid Angel, thanks for the insight. I would definitely be interested in some sites related to BOB and other activities. Thanks in advance.
    Uh.... I hadn't really, but no big whoop. I did look at the photos on your first thread (nice thigh rig - you are braver than I); maybe that's what told you I looked at your site.? Again no big whoop. Welcome to OCDO. I live East of Raleigh (White Male) and OC 70% with CC the other 29.999999% (.000001% are the places I am verboten) a Glock23 in a Black Hawk Serpa II with a Black Hawk Mag Holder. No LEO encounters, but I look like LEO off-duty, so it will take a curious LEO to ask. Also prior NAVY and LEO in College (20+ years ago).

    Have fun and stay safe!
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